Kilrogg - Characters are not counted after realm merge

All my 120 toons are on Kilrogg. After the realm merge maintenance, when Iog in to the game, Kilrogg is not offered to me because the game thinks that I have no characters on Kilrogg.

However, if I choose Kilrogg (after alphabetically sorting the realms), I can see and login to my characters. The same problem persists on the wow forums(connected to the same database problem apparently). When I click show all of my characters to post with my main, I cannot see any of my characters on Kilrogg. I can only post with a toon that exists on another realm.

Also my guild atm has around 10 characters in its roster(8 of them are my characters). I thought it’s probably related to the same issue. Then, I realized that only the ppl logged in to the realm have their characters are shown in the guild roster. Probably this is why the guild member counts are too low for everyone.

I hope this will be solved soon.

This is very similar as if you’d not logged into the game for a long period of time or reinstalled, quite often the game hasn’t cached your server data which would display the characters realms. You may want to delete the Cache folder, and this should update on your next log in.

Also until people log in the Guild counts will be way off.

There is also a Forum character issue that this can cause temporarily but it should resolve on the next maintenance. Though we are investigating occurences to make sure they do get fixed.

i tried deleting my cache… I still can’t find where my characters have gone. How can this be resolved??

Characters update once people log into them… absolutely a pain in the rear

They’ve also broken the calendar

I can see all my characters on Kilrogg, except the DK I used a boost on. Is that abnormal?

looks like this is being looked at under this post