Kilrogg Horde Reconnections

It seems like forever ago, but many years ago I had my very best time in WoW!
This was on my main at that time, a Paladin named Immortalix in the guild Haribo.
If any of you old guys are still around, you are more than welcome to hit me up for a dungeon or just a chat.
I’m playing on Pyrewood Village.

Holy sh its gothia the ud mage

Xad, Madox , Sniezka remember u guys <3

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Hello everyone!
I used to play on Kilrogg too late Vanilla but mostly TBC/Wrath.
A priest named Virana in Crux Mortys/Dogwatch during these 2 expansions. A lot of familiar names in this post! /greet at everyone!

Currently playing a mage called Ventor on Pyrewood Village.

we are on mirage raceway - me udder dras ralph and mast

Thirst is the best

Anbanyth Undead Rogue - lots of familiar names around in this thread <3