Known Issue - World Boss Raids

We’re currently working to address an issue with resurrection. For the time being:

  • When dying and releasing inside of each raid, you will momentarily be ported to Westfall or the Barrens before being transported to the correct graveyard.

Thank you for your patience!

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The issue is that the bosses are target dummies!

35 min to go in, fight the boss, clear around, kill, travel to Kazzak, do the same and kill, with 21 people!

Kazzak didn’t break through our Greater Shadow Protection Potion, I had nothing to heal.
Feels like we wasted all the WBs, DMF buff, flasks… Only deaths we had were mages getting reflected and dying on Azuregos.

Up the number of curses and magic effects Kazzak does. Up the damage of Shadowbolts Kazzak does, up the number of Blizzards Azuregos does, up the damage too!

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Was a joke raid, need to be buffed to the moon

As it should be then.

Classic should never be hard

Im pretty sure Testwerk on PTR was harder. We’re splitting teams on Kazzak next week to do it with 11-12 people. As for Azuregos, we’ll try it once more with 20 to 22, to see if the two deaths can be prevented by not zugging, then we’ll split that up too.

Still no Lethal Shots fix.
Still no lag fix for av ?

Please work on warriors doing no damage next

This describes every boss in classic, it’s the norm, bosses die in 40 sec when world buffed
Also you should 10 man it as we did. More loot, harder boss