Holy crap there is some old school names i recognize here!
Hi Tanaka and Matdan.
I’m Tl the tauren shaman in regulators at the time
But then rerolled to Zephyros the UD warrior later on and joined Rejects
Holy crap there is some old school names i recognize here!
Hi Tanaka and Matdan.
I’m Tl the tauren shaman in regulators at the time
But then rerolled to Zephyros the UD warrior later on and joined Rejects
Char-name: Darkbeam
Race/Class: Tauren Hunter MM (Survival agility buff hunter in TBC)
Was picked up by a super guild (as i hit 60) called Elysium, where a fellow hunter GM showed me everything i’ve learned conserning rotation, repetition, positioning etc.
i was later picked up by a guild called Ärkeangel, with mainly swedes, even though i’m danish, but managed to get along alright with a minor language barrier at times. We later tried to lvl alliance chars, and shortly after fell apart slowly.
Would love to either meet some fellow guildies from Elysium or Ärkeangel, what a rush!
Also on a sidenote… i so remember Behind My Camel, and i used to hate seing their tag all over the server! They where huge at some point.
Hey man, can see your current guild is Elysium. your Undead Warrior in the guild named Zyxy, did he used to play hunter by any chance?
His name seems familiar
Howdy, used to play on Silvermoon before the change to KT. Was in Vengeance, which used to be called Tyranny if I recall correctly. Also in Emerald Dawn, Forsaken Sunrise, Forsaken Souls, Origin and a few others too.
Troll hunter called Nergal, Undead priest called Pator, had a few others too, at various times and guilds.
Seeing some familiar names in here. Had a few different chars, struggling to remember the different guilds now.
Cryptlord - Undead Warrior, was in Pendulum amoungst others.
Osiris - Undead Priest, was in Origin amoungst others.
Life - Troll Hunter, was in Shadows of Doom.
Wasn’t overly active during the 04-06 years but did reside on Kul Tiras for some time from 04 and became more active end of classic into TBC. Look forward to seeing familiar names return.
Going to roll on Shazzrah-PvP.
Hey Eno, Goto still play too?
Troll Hunter;
Essentials, Final Words and Forsaken Sunrise;
Used to play a Holy priest back in TBC named Ammy in Forsaken Sunrise.
Branford. Troll hunter.
Suggs. Troll priest.
Used to be in arcana imperii and forsaken souls which changed names to renaissance knights.
Also used to pvp on my shaman jungle.
Hey Hotnttrott mate. Used to game with u in forsaken souls… played a troll preist. Sugs or suggs cant remember the spelling lol.
See lots of familiar faces here
Muse. Undead mage.
Trish. (Mostly) Undead priest.
Anisha. Belf paladin.
Played in Widowmakers, Forsaken Sunrise and Vengeance among others.
Have such fond memories of KT, both in vanilla and later on! Bummed that they didn’t restore the old servers to preserve the communities.
Undead rogue
Rejects guild (Horde)
Been a long time…
going to be playing alliance sadly on golemagg, thats what irl friends want to play =[ for the horde, but its good to see so many people from kul tiras era playing, so how many names did everyone manage to reserve ? i got 5/6 only one i couldnt get was parabola
Managed to get:
Amazoner - Female Troll Hunter;
Fangroth - Orc male warrior;
Couldn’t get Ammy, got too confident none wanted that name.
It’s now used on both pve servers.
Will have to go with Ammyy, female Forsaken priest.
Hey KT’ers
Anyone from Final Words with the shaman GM named Problem coming back?
Played an Undead Mage Named Deadmaggi if i recall correct,cant check lost that account ages ago
Hey Branny, We have had many adventures in Arcana Imperii. No clue wich char I did play most back then. Bulldoc (clearly druid… was a healer back then) and Fernanzano. (warrior with some sort of dps spec)
I remember you and Avalon.
I remember struggling through ZG and AQ20 with them for a bit yeah.
Palliwak - UD mage
Exactly my memories as well.
If I am not mistaken the main tank was Biggiesmalls Orc warrior.
I still remember GM Problem, the Orc shaman.
Very friendly.
Been there till they decided to disband due to internal problems.
Yep Played Kalyissa on Alliance, Rerolled to play horde, rerolled back to Alliance when I met my now Husband Rivertear
I can be found on Discord nowadays Kalyissa#4163
Matdan <3 Been a long time!
Wow… crazy I recognise some names here, especially Muse! Can remember getting killed over and over in the Barrens by her!! My character was a dwarf hunter called ‘chickenowns’… Good ol’ age 12 character naming right there.