add me Leen#2244
A little late to the party, but it’s great to see you guys.
I played Tarannon, male orc in Behind my Camel (also Lost and Unforgivens).
I have multiple screenshots from TBC raids /w Samynix. ^^
Good times.
I started Classic on EU-Golemagg (PVP). Where are you guys playing?
Hit me up @ Tarannon#2609 if you want to get in touch.
Gotta say that some of the names here looks really familiar
I played an orc shaman called Wilhelm during the tbc era. I was a member of Behind My Camel and Elysium. Id love to reconnect with anyone from the period, nowdays i play classic on earthshaker as Mithrill!
indeed, wasnt expecting to find anyone on this server still playing wow or even alive haha, how you getting on XD
Corpus Undead Warrior - Emerald Dawn (think our guild originated on Emerald Dream server and moved during a free transfer period)
Also in Regulators for a large chunk of Vanilla and early TBC
Currently on Skullflame grouping with Hexar on and off (he is as bad as a Shammy as he was as a Druid)
Out of interest can anyone remember the name of the Rank 14 Alliance Mage on KT? Died so many times to him/her in BGs
Hey there! Omenothorax here from Lost,BmC and dont remmember our guild names after that ,if any1 playing still im Golemmag PvP 60 LFG Omen#1440
Tojaraaaaaaa! How you doing
now there is a man i remember well
Me and Biggiesmalls and bahmut are playing classic i remember you pal, all those wipes on hakkar good times.
Alot of familiar faces here
My first main was UD rogue - Impir
Then UD mage - Maomi
BE priest - Blondy
Yo,what server you guys playing on
holla boys it’s been a long time coming
Submann - Warrior
Quizmaster - Hunter
Was in “Behind my Camel” for a short time and a few other guilds I can’t remember the names of and then ended in “Shadows of Doom”
Was mostly playing with “Tubbygold”, “Skysole” as they are real life friends and then we found this crazy guy “Sandor”
Hahaha, Matdan and his bench near AH. Gppd to see you still kicking
Demilich UD Warrior from KT and Silvermoon
Oh Sh*t! Here we go again… It’s mountain goat boi! Double Kachigga! How we doing man?
my shaman isn’t on kul tiras anymore (and i don’t play retail) but i still have this dude in the old guild i made back then on kul tiras
played on gandling classic, on hiatus until TBC
oh and uhh… why do you remember me as mountain goat boi?
Legend - Mooey
Weza man, good to see ya - Mooey <3
Not me but nice to see ya Kaly - Mooey.
Glad to see some names that i recognize!
Azaxsyndrom here but people where calling me just Azax-Hunter/troll
And my brother as: