Last wish - Nightborne customization

Did blizz actually updated the lightest skin color and made it a bit more… lighter ? Am I seeing wrong ? :smiley:


I am so glad I have gotten a chance to meet you in game yesterday!

We should meet like this more often!

Bonus, we are all Fal’dorei!


i want that they add to barbor that u can change ur eyes to red golving eyes when ur a member of Venthyr Coven works on all races …


Patiently waiting for the 9.2 announcement. Maybe we are not done yet? Who knows…

Come on now Dark Irons, Zandalari, Kul’Tirans, Mag’har (though they don’t need it as much) and Mechagnomes all need new stuff.

… and Vulpera sorely need new stuff.

I never said they shouldn’t get new stuff :wink: It’s not a competition.


I never said you did, on both counts. There is a waiting list though, clearly. Otherwise they would’ve done all of the Allied Races in 9.1.5.

You conflated 9.2 with ‘Maybe we are not done yet’.

It’s fair to say if 9.2 is adding more they should focus on those that haven’t got any yet.

Don’t twist my words and don’t misinterpet my intentions.

While devs can put their main focus on other races, they also might re-add some small tuning/fixes for nightborne (what fans asked for during 9.1.5 beta) and what devs perhaps couldn’t do in time.

Besides, I don’t remember you being hired for a job of police officer? Perhaps you should stop policing so hard opinions of others.

i want black eyes on mine nightborne the white eyes does not fit a rogue …

I wasn’t twisting your words, I was using your very words.

It’s not as if I don’t play not born, this character was created very soon after the race was introduced and I consider myself very much an early adopter. Though I play all of the races, which is why I am very keen to make sure they all get equal attention-- which hasn’t happened so far when you look at races like Worgen.

No one is against of getting equal attention, also what kind of “attention” are you talking about?

Where have you been before 9.0? When almost every Nightborne player has been talking about lack of the customization. Even Josh Allen once said in the interview with Ion, that the Nightborne lack customization options.

Yet you are talking of “equality”.

Where were you when the Nightborne male had overall 29 customization options, meanwhile female human only has 27 eyebrow customisation options.

When the race with the lowest possible combinations gets something that it should have received almost 4 years ago, you remember of the “equality”.

Nightborne hairs still lack physics on their hair, low poly untextured hairstyles directly from vanilla.

Yet you speak of “equality”.

If you think Nightborne players are satisfied, then you are wrong. By posting on an alt with Benthic Armor of BFA which was collecting dust on your character list, you are not speaking on behalf of the Shal’dorei community which they main and played even with an overall of 29 customizations.

Your kin is so hypocritical, thinking for getting extra hairstyles we are going to be satisfied.

We still lack outlines on arcane-infused hands, we still lack leylines on hair, we still lack eye colours, we still lack hair physics.

As the one who has been constantly spamming of the state of the Shal’dorei to the devs, I am happy for what we have received, but it should not mean, that the race should be forgotten for another 10,000 years.

Customization options should not have a limit, be it the Nightborne or any other race.


I am talking about post-9.1.5.

I think you’ll find Vulpera’s options are just as feeble as Nightborne’s were.

Yes, there does have to be a limit because devs are not infinite in any sense. There does actually need to be a sensible goal within the foreseeable future otherwise they can’t manage resources and make sure all get roughly equal amounts of significant cosmetic options.

They need to look at the model which has the most, and use that as a target for all the others. Only once that is achieved can there be a new round of additions-- but even then I’d argue there’s a point were they are scraping the barrel and most certainly adding TOO MANY resulting in clown effects and watering down (in some cases I think they’ve already put one foot on the clown bridge).

For instance Nightborne just by nature are meant to have shades of black or white hair, with only subtle tints.

No race has hair physics unless you count the fake hair physics on pony tails, because that feature doesn’t extend to hair. Not a single Nightborne NPC has a different eye colour-- that just isn’t a feature of the race. Not all races should have options for everything, sometimes what distinguishes a race is the lack of an option, such as NO TATTOOS (far too many of those now), and only one eye colour. One can argue the NPCs sometimes look a little more purple tinted, but I’d argue that’s because NPCs have to use more primitive rendering to make the game performant.

Yes, I agree it was a perfectly silly waste of resources giving female humans so many eyebrow options that just won’t be noticeable unless you zoom in right up to the face.

There are plenty of examples of things having to wait far too long over others. Worgen and Goblin new models for example. Speaking of Worgen it was another foolish waste of ‘options’ to have 40 or something eye combinations.

I can’t really take so obviously biased arguments like yours seriously. You are too invested in Nightborne to have credibility in what I’m talking of. “Speaking on behalf of the Nightborne community.” Oh please.

Nightborne got more than others in 9.1.5, and yes, because in some instances they needed them. New faces, new hair colours, new skin colours, new arcane tattoos, new eye shape, new face jewellery, new eyebrow types, new necklaces, new facial hair…

Nope, you will now wait your turn like Void Elves, Highmountain and Lightforged will.

Tell me more.

2d necklaces

Meanwhile on Nightelves

Untextured hairstyles.

Tell me more.

Big words, but you wish, we wont be silent.


That’s not physics, that’s animations. They don’t dynamically respond properly to movement. What you are speaking of applies to many long hairstyles of many races, and it tends to be only pony tails that animate to movement. Again, you can’t see that because you are so laser focused on Nightborne-- hence my point here.

So yes, I will tell you more.

A lot of the Blood Elf jewellery is 2d as well. As in truly painted on, the Nightborne jewellery are seperate polygons. Flat plains for the chain perhaps, but I mean come on talk about clutching at straws-- you really think you’ll notice that even half zoomed in? All the new face jewellery and the pendants on the chains certainly aren’t 2d meshes.

None of the hairstyles are ‘untextured’. What are you even talking about? Well, you don’t know.

I’m not telling you to be silent, but I am telling you to be reasonable and not be so laser focused to the point of making arguments as if they only apply to your favourite race.

Posting from a long forgotten alt is a smart move, but you’ll hardly fool anyone at this point.

No, it’s exactly what you’re doing. You’re trying to silence nightborne players in a nightborne specific thread dedicated solely to nightborne race. The only place we can speak freely. It’s evident enough that your loyalties are on the other side. And I assume the only reason you’re attacking me is your irrational fear that nightborne will steal the “spotlight” from your main.


This is a Nightborne thread. Also people are free to ask for whatever they want. None of the races customizations are perfect. Every race should have a thread similar to this one. I am a Night Elf refugee (this char was originally a Night Elf) and have a long lasting thread regarding Night Elf issues.
If forum posters would concentrate on their favorite race problems instead of putting Nightbornes down, that would at least highlight more existing issues. Asking us to be ‘reasonable’ or ‘not so laser focused’ DOES NOT CREATE ANYTHING. You favorite race will not receive any new updates by putting us down.

Feel free to post here links to your forum posts in which you laser focus on your customization wishes and feedback and I will support you.

Having Nightbornes chars look like the Suramar NPCs does not mean that other races should have less customizations. Make yourself heard with what you want.

You have a lot to learn from the Nightborne community. Settling for ‘good enough’ or ‘at least it’s something’ is not a healthy approach. Especially that Blizzard treated ALL customization models really superficial for years and years. Enough is enough!


Where were you

CAnt u realise that noone literally noone cares about ur lowborne race? Enjoy ur pathetic balding haircuts and narrow eyes, nothing more for u anymore, i hope never.

No such thing, not enough people, noone plays this race.

More Nightborne features in good time please, Blizzard!

I hope the Nightborne glaive has been brought back to the Timewalking vendor.


get off from here lowborn filth, nobody wants you here.

Commoners like you should go one place, where you know on your own.

Know your spot, and obey your betters.


The Highborne group of the Island expeditions.

There is a spell shield female nightborne with the arcblade and arcshield.

Te weapon sheathed on her back, but when it was available for the players, it was on the side.

So I do not understand the reasoning behind of its removal to be honest.