Last wish - Nightborne customization

God damn, I hope this thread will change something! It needs to. I really want that NPC’s eyes and a younger face for my nightborne, just as Valtrois’s one :(.


Just dont touch animations

And please a look into racials , remove the aoe slow , add a haste skill or haste proc

Remove Mailbox and give a telemancy skill maybe remove roots or interchange place ?

saw this and though you would be interested
looks awesome by simply giving them narrow eyes


Yeah that’s what we need for both gender actually :confused:


The current state of the Nightborne race is heart breaking. They’ve given so much story and spotlight to Thalyssra to the point where they even did a short story involving her yet they just don’t seem to see what exactly is wrong with the race even though there has been a constant outcry for them to be freshened up.

Honestly, even just fixing the eyes would make me return to RPing my Nightborne more frequently. The fact that people have literally managed to show that it can be done as per those pictures in the OP just goes to show that it’s a change that can be implemented with just a little bit of work. That alongside some less wrinkled/aged face options would be absolutely amazing.

As for armours, I’d just really like to see some of the Nightborne weapons we see in game and on NPCs being made available for transmogrification and I’d at least like to see the heritage armour get a variant with a short legging section and ankle guards. If they really wanted to gain a lot of kudos they could even have a gander at copying over the models for some of the armour we see on the NPCs!


Lets hope they have some news for the Shallassian fan base


Yeah, I guess I join in with this plea.

I was more or less content with my Nightborne, but after I recovered my paladin and saw what wonders have they done for Blood Elf customisation, Nightborne now feels like they have no customisation at all.

And the heritage armor… Void take that heritage armor, it is the worst set ever. I mean, how can you have so much awesome NPC variaties, and instead of using one of them (and those weapons! why did they make weapon sets for Paladins and DK on Broken Shore but no Nightborne weaponry?!) they made this… atrocity. You can’t even wear tabard (NIGHTBORNE tabard!) with it, it looks broken!

Though my universal plea for Elven races stands - REMOVE THOSE EYEBROWS WHEN UNDER HELMS. It’s a nigh-impossible task to find a good BE or Nightborne helm that would not be ruined by those insect antennae clipping through it in most ridiculous places.


we pandas dont even have a hetige armor :frowning:

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MOP sets are all Asian themed, meaning you do not need one YET. :smiley:

This is a fantastic thread, and I hope that Blizzard hears it.

Also, please allow them to become Demon Hunters. It sucks to have absolutely no racial diversity.


Thank you!

And yes if Nightborne could be a DH I would play hella out of it!


This is amazing work! The Nightborne model quality is high, but if features too few customization options. In comparison, the Night Elf model quality is much lower, but it currently features much more customization options.
Blizzard, can you please treat all playable races with the same love from the art team? New customization options and model quality need well deserved dedication, care and ultimately work time :slight_smile:
It is really frustrating to see new detailed NPCs added every patch/expansion while our favorite playable races may get updates after many years, IF we’re lucky!
Playable races quality (models, textures, animations) should be have high priority. Feedback to new changes (exp. Night Elf male neck posture, Worgen walking animation) should be incorporated into fixes similar to gameplay bugfixing.


Please, just let me have my narrow eyes. I beg of you.


We will get them soon enough sister.


Those are amazing, and done by a fan. Blizzard really needs to step up their game. I would be so happy if nightborne were just given the eye and the glowing hands options. With perhaps different colours for the arcane effect to reflect different schools of magic.


When are we suppose to have some news about it? :slight_smile:

I mean, Blizzcon maybe? But when will it take place this year?


I am Vaelene and I endorse this message. The NB player model have been far too neglected in comparison to the great NPC models.

Blizzard please do good by us.


These overly wide eyes sicken me.
We’ve gone from regal, to dragonflies!
I wish to be an evil aristocratic rich Lord, not a bug eyed weirdo.


I just ask for a crumb of customization, I would love to have more than 2 distinct faces and more than one non-receding hairline hairstyles. Among others. Please.


I am tired to look like the degenerate brother of the guy above me.