Lava surge nerf will impact the core elemental fun, imo

Its going to spoil gameplay for all elemental shamans. I hope Blizz really fix this ASAP

it going to heppen

Warlocks and mages are always op.
It’s safe pick

Thats what they did, they killed the most fun part of elemental…

Where did it go wrong? Some numbers you should not touch while balancing, someone would think Blizzard knows this after 16/years of balancing?

Or did all that experience leave the building with the lead class designer stepping down?

Was 18% proc chance too much? Maybe.
Is 10% proc chance too low? Definitely.

They should have gone with something around 15% proc chance and let the expansion play out. If there’s really something that breaks the elemental shaman then they could have adjusted it later down the line.

Going from 18% to 10% results in 45% less procs! That’s a huge difference going from one patch to another without any reasoning from Blizzards side. On top of that RNG now hits way harder: there will be times where it does not proc at all and the whole spec plays clunky as hell, especially during leveling phase!

I would even argue that 10% proc chance could be fine, if the elemental shaman had a way to spread Flame Shock like “casting Flame Shock on an already burning target spreads it to the 3 nearest enemies”. Or make the proc chance dependent on the amount of targets affected by Flame Shock.

agree would be good

Untill you realise Elemental is a pain to level. And you try enchance and suddenly you blast trough every content. Enchantment is better in leveling for sure and might be the better spec. I wanted to go Elementalist, but my god Enchantment feels gooooooooood yo! Try it out bro!

Reduction in Lava Surge proc chance is actually one of the worst nerfs this class has ever received. This needs to be reverted asap. Its a huge nerf in pvp against melee and it generally reduces the fun of the spec. Expansion start always felt bad as ele but now its horrible.

It’s Enhancement

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