Legendary quest Rune of Shadowbinding giving no credit

Still not working

did one more lfr, still bugged

Tried worm, not working still…

Last step that is left before final scenario, and still have to waste time waiting for who know what and who knows how long untill someone fixes stuff in this game…

2 people in US customer support said that quest was working in their LFR groups, I’ll try to join one

edit : i just did all 3 bosses on normal group, it’s FINALLY working

well, here we go again xd~

EDIT: its working!

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Well, i killed Volc on lfr and it count for me so i guess its working on lfr right now. i queue for the first 2 boss now so lets see

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Finaly it´s fixed, good luck everyone.

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its working on Normal aswell?

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yes worked on normal!

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quick tip, now it works even in combat so if someone pulls the boss or you lose tether for some reason dont worry, just use the item again

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