Legion was so good honestly

Legion made me quit the first week of the first season, but now i regret cause I think i might’ve judged it too quickly.

Still think the class design that legion brought is hot garbage tho, this doesn’t change.


After the huge pile of disappointment Draenor was for me, Legion became my favorite expansion bar none. Apart from the whole class story experience and what not, I really miss the legendary system the most. Something about it was just so satisfying. Now, BFA feels like you just grind for the RNG of getting a decent corruption, if you get any at all.

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It was like more than a year to get your legendaries. Obtaining them was terrible! Corruptions are now just on the vendor.

I loved Legion - I much preferred the Legion dungeons to the BfA ones and enjoyed that playing a different class meant you got different content (rather than in BfA when you had to play the other faction for a different experience). Loved class mounts, loved collecting artifact appearances. And I loved Legion Affliction Warlock.


Legion had major issues. It made me quit the game for 3 years (i only played in 7.3.5 for two months, total casual, only LFR and queuable content)

People don’t remember how cancerous the 7.0 grind was. Uncapped artifact power farming in order to get to those golden traits. Legendaries that were total RNG and even that RNG was broken AF (the “bad luck protection” worked INVERSELY to how it should, it became GOOD luck protection - ppl that received 1 legendary had vastly better odds of getting another one than someone still stuck at 0)

I could not keep up with this. I could not bring myself to endless Maw of Souls +2 grinding (literally hundreds of runs). I had 0 legendaries after 2 months, where other members could have 3-4 to choose from by then. I hate no flying and Legion had no flying until 7.2. So i just quit. I missed on lots of solid content because of this but so is the way of life. The amount of bad content and bad systems was too much for me to bear. BFA has just 1 bad system - total RNG from mythic+ chest. Everything else is now targettable and controllable, even though some of this is too grindy (gear sockets for example). And it all has an end point. Legion grinds were seemingly endless.

Legion was good, halls of valor was absolutely not one of the things that made it good though

Unless you were a Collector, then you’d hate it.

Legion was much better than BFA is now.
Am i only one who liked Cathedral of eternal night ?

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legion was great, order halls added a lot of alt replayability, but what got me back was the class fantasy.
never bothered to AP grind or anything, I just did the content I liked, and got enough ap for the content I did, people who burned out themselves can’t blame anyone else.
sure leggos were rng, but after a certain tier, everyone had all his spec/class leggos available if he played the game.
Oh and the suramar campaign, beautiful, with great moments and likable characters.

was it perfect ? no
was it better than most other expansins? sure!


Oh, I loved Legion so much. I still trip whenever I’m in Broken Isles. Suramar was one of a kind place and the questline remains as my favorite. Going to Argus and having to deal with that mob-density (with awfully sensitive threat) made the place really feel like you’re in a hostile environment.

Legion :heart:


No you are not.


Yes, that dungeon was awful! Well, it probably wasn’t that bad, but since it was introduced long after you were already very familiar with all the other dungeons, it seemed more difficult because you hadn’t memorised it yet. I’m still hoping that it doesn’t come back for Legion timewalking…

the dungeon was very small though.
Not the hardest place to learn.

It got nerfed like 5 times because it was way overtuned at the release of it. The dungeon got hurted a lot that way. My real pain is seat :smiley:

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Oh god, seat… Yeah that one again suffered from being introduced late! Dunno if I ever did it in m+ - in my guild, we tended to regard Seat and CoEN as “dead” keys. Probably says more about our laziness than the dungeon difficulty :grin:


You don’t know the pains of Seat till you’ve tried farming Vixx the Collector (Rare) for the two toys off him! He’s got a 1 in 14 chance of appearing only in Heroic (Most probably never encountered him unawares of his existence).

For the two toys off him;

(30% Chance)

(18% Chance)

And yes, I got them both. The portal is great for trolling! :nerd_face:


Even with the QoL changes in regards to the horrendous start-of-Legion grinds, classes/specs played like garbage throughout, retpala and frostdk f.ex. practically played itself.

But visuals are great and and encounters are not difficult ,you just need to assign people for portals.

I really want that portal, I should probably start working on it sometime soon. Can it be used with low level alts?