Legion was so good honestly

If we go by team A and B theory you seem to not like team B work. :slightly_smiling_face:
They are probably in charge of the expansion after SL.

It seems team B usually focus on faction conflicts and revisit old scenarios.

  • Cataclysm
    Scenario: revamped Azeroth
    Theme: Deathwing, Old Gods and faction conflict.

  • WoD
    Scenario: Olf Draenor (again after TBC)
    Theme: Garrosh, Iron Horde (instead of the retail Horde)

  • BFA
    Scenario: Azeroth (again) with the addiction of Kul-Tyras and Zandalar.
    Theme: Faction conflict, Queen Azshara, Old Gods.

  • Next expansion after SL
    Scenario: Azeroth after time skip
    Probably themes: Faction conflict, the light instead of the Old Gods because apparently Turalyon will be ruling the Alliance. Anduin will be missing.


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It’s not herd behavior to realize that half of your raid overperforms the other half by 30-65% because they have a legendary. When it comes to progression, or pushing high keys (and imagine if they were useable in PvP), people are going to take those who perform the best.

Sure, invite 5 people who deal 100k DPS as opposed to 170k - the difference is that you no longer have enough DPS for certain phases of fights. To give an example of our time, inviting people with less than 35k DPS to Wrathion is a guaranteed wipe.

Sure, the people who don’t have enough DPS “get to enjoy the raid”, but the rest sure won’t if they keep wiping and wiping, because someone can’t pull their own weight.

It’s common sense for people to expect others to perform to their best when doing the hardest of content.


It’s all RNG though. It’s not a raid drop that you will eventually get. I’ve only gotten 3 legendaries on my Priest through the entire expansion, and I did play quite a bit, and out of those 3, only 1 was BiS for something, and that was m+, and the last two I got when they introduced the vendor.

On my Warrior, I didn’t get any Legendaries, despite me wanting to get the Timeless Stratagem.

I don’t understand how you can possibly think that RNG Legendaries with abysmal drop chances are good design. Nobody could get the legendaries that they wanted, whether because they were fun, were strong or looked cool. It’s not fulfilling to roll the lottery, not only because of the reasons I gave before, but also, remember: classes were designed around legendaries.

I bet you like the current weekly boxes as well, don’t you?

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When I see posts like these my only thinking is “man, wow has actually became so bad that an average expansion is seen as good”

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Halls of Valor felt like a miniraid. Was great.


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As a pvp player legion was absolutely horrible, mostly due to poor class design. It was just slightly better than bfa because you weren’t forced to farm pve for months and alts were playable later in expansion. Gameplay wise not much different than bfa.

So 3/10 expansion

Oh and I remember there were a lot of technical issues with lag in arena. People were casting while moving and being out of line of sight while they are not on your screen etc. Made the game even more frustrating.

i definitely enjoyed legion more than bfa (current corruption farming is just meh), dungeons were better designed and fun to play than what is available now. of course it would cause problems to do any pve high content to not have legendaries, but not everyone plays wow like that. for a casual player legion was way better than bfa.

but truth be told i like old expansions the best, tbc and wotlk were really good.


I did not hate Legion, just the early patches were Meh. As a raider, Emerald Nightmare was quite easy, but not boring. I kinda hated AP grind and being locked in 1 spec (As someone who is playing 2 specs…).
M+ was easier than now, but I feel like it was overall better in Legion than in BFA (I’m not saying I don’t like hard things, I do prefer harder bosses and easier packs than the other way)

What I think about legion is that Legion’s design have many flaws that were hidden from us and only got highlighted in BFA.

:tada: :partying_face:

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I forgot all about that. The amount of desync in Legion arenas was insane.

Sometimes I’d spam sap on a priest running straight towards me and not landing it at all and he just casually walks straight through me (while doing that sap spam) and dots my healer.

Different way I approach gaming.
Getting a random drop that’s cool = fun.
It’s really as simple as that. I don’t tend to focus on the negative part of the experience of not getting what I want (yet), but rather focus on the positive.

I wouldn’t know, I’ve never had one.

Didnt know the dumming down of class design was a positive!

You’re only saying legion was good because bfa was even worse.

Legion was okay I wouldn’t say it was good lol

Of all the good dungeons in Legion, you think Halls of Valor was best? Yuk

Court of Stars, Darkheart Thicket and Neltharions Lair were much better!

Well, for most people, it was a super bad experience. Having everything you want locked behind a 0.01% chance of acquisition (and then having to roll from the pool of legendaries you don’t have) was not good for most people. I really wanted to get Norgannon’s Foresight for my priest for M+es, because it would have helped me out loads with positioning and moving packs mid fight (which ultimately raises my enjoyment), but I had to wait till the vendor, as no matter how much I played, I couldn’t get another legendary.

And don’t forget, classes were designed around these legendaries. You were simply gimped from a performance perspective, but you were also gimped from a fun perspective. It was just frustrating.

Well, the genius of Blizzard allowed M+ items to go all the way up to 475, so that means you only have 1 chance per week to get a BiS item. And, if I want a true BiS item from my weekly box, say the Soulwarped Vambraces, my chance of getting a true BiS is:

1/87 * 1/10 * 1/5 * 1/10 * 1/4 * 1/53, which equals to: 1 / 9 222 000, or a 1.084 363 478 638 04 * 10 to the power of negative 7 % chance of acquistion.

This includes: getting the item you want (1/87, which on a weekly roll is bloody rare), getting a warforge (twice) which is a 1/10 chance to happen, getting 2x warforges (leech and socket, 1/5 and 1/4 because you can’t roll the same warforge twice), and then 1/53 is the 53 rollable corruptions, say Masterful3.

So yeah, since the possibility of BiS is in there, people hate it.

They ended up fully removing or redesigning a few core things from launch just to make it tolerable. Class order hall research comes to mind.
Then there’s the Legendaries, they only added a grindable currency and vendor at the end of the expansion. Didn’t feel very legendary when friends got their bis the first week and I got none, despite playing way more than they did and trying to do as many types of content that drops legendaries as possible. Took me like 6 months, and it was pre-change Sephuz on a restodruid…
Not getting to do M+ and no one joining my key because I didn’t have legendaries, then didn’t have the correct legendaries.
Keys depleting and regressing. Oh wait, I remember wrong! Your key became “broken” and you had to re-run it with no loot to re-activate it. So genius.

There was a lot of good, but I think most of the design flaws (that they were warned about on Alpha and Beta, just like with BfA and now SL) are forgotten now, when they really shouldn’t be.

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Legion was ‘‘good’’ because you’re comparing it to BFA.

Artifact Weapons took 2 patches to finalise into not being complete cancer, numbers were obnoxiously large, the aesthetics of the broken isles was so weird zones felt extremely disconnected, legendaries had the exact same cycle of whine->response->patch->easy access that the cloak for 8.3 has.

And lets not forget, that legion was the kickstart for blizzards love for RNG, everything from the M+ chests to the new PvP box system for gearing.

Legion was not good, it was better than BFA by miles, but it was not good.

As people have said, BFA is Legion 0.5

Legion introduced M+ wich was good, it had nice transmog and some other cool stuff, but the bulk of the legion systems were bad.


For me who has skipped MoP (I hear it was good enough), in order to get back to a “good” expansion, I need to look back on TBC and wrath

You don’t know that. Only the people with the bad experience were vocal about it, which is a given. It seems you’re jumping to a conclusion that fits your agenda.

Again, you don’t know that. That’s your bias making you jump to conclusions.

Ok, so you didn’t like that experience. That’s fine. I did. So, agree to disagree I guess?

People are impatient and greedy.
Doesn’t mean they should just be given everything right away.

But you’re talking about a system in BfA now. We’re talking about Legion in this thread. Legion was awesome.

No. Legion was good when compared to every single expansion for WoW.

Agree to disagree.
For me it ranks as THE best expansion so far. With MoP being number 2.

This just goes to show how different people can feel about things.
M+ to me was one of the bad things they introduced. It’s turning WoW, an mmorpg, more and more into esports, which at a base level clashes with the whole genre WoW is supposed to be.

But you know… all of this, this entire thread, is subjective.

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Legion brought us pruning, horrible class design and borrowed power that has plagued the game since.

That alone makes it inferior to expansions such as MoP and BC.

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