Let PvPers play PvP in Shadowlands

I don’t dispute that, the entire progress system that’s buried in systems that bump up daily retention is bad imo, really burns people out I find.

It’s just that in order to do PvP, you have to engage in PvE in nearly the same amount of hours put into it as a PvE’er would in order to remain viable, even in casual content.

I do realize that PvE also has that same ‘mandatory’ problem with PvP content in terms of essences and maybe certain trinkets, but the 2 are very disproportionate in the sheer amount of time investment.

I don’t know, maybe.
I can only say that I personally have never “run out of things to do” in previous expansions and what have you. I could always level or gear an alt, or take my fully decked char into a BG and have fun just playing the game, or dabble in all that ‘other’ content like PvE, at my own pace and my own terms.

I think my previous paragraphs alluded to this, so I won’t just pointlessly repeat myself.