Let PvPers play PvP in Shadowlands

Not in instanced PvP, it got upscaled in WoD, and in MoP everything that wasn’t PvP gear got downscaled.

This was exactly what was NOT said. What was said was; PvP gear should be better in PvP over PvE gear, and PvE gear should be better in PvE.

I feel that is the problem. Instead separating the two, make it be equal. Let PvP gear be viable in PvE and vise versa.

Honestly, what’s so horrible with that?

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Take notes Blizzard. This is extremely good idea.

Then if the game is as it is pvp wise, class equality in the next x-pack i’ll simply don’t buy it.

I’ll let others and video streamer go as an opener, it’s not like I’ll be out of steam game or console game for the next two years so if it’s good welcome back if not no money win/win other brand will gladly take my cash !

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Lets say you’re great at PvE but really bad at PvP, likle 800 rating, cant advance bad, right? You go spam you’re +15s and get some pretty sweet gear, feelin good about yourself, you go pvp. Suddenly, you’re up at 1400 rating, just because PvE gear is viable in PvP.
Now, along comes a 1000 rated PvP player, who doesn’t PvE, and just because PvE gear is viable, regardless of their ability, you stomp them with your PvE gear on your way up to that 1400. You’re still not great at PvP in this scenario, but how bad you are is mitigated by your decent ilvl.

Lets reverse that.

Lets say you’re god awful at PvE but a god damn master at PvP, rocking a dig bick 3200 rating easily, so you’re fully kitted out in the best gear the game has to offer at that time, right? But you don’t know squat about PvE specs or rotations, but on your gear alone people let you in, just for you to ruin their raid or M+.

While both PvP and PvE are World of Warcraft, their basically different games.
PvE is a scripted fight, where everyone plays a part in that script, and as long as everyone follows the script, you’ll probably succeed unless you’re all woefully undergeared.

PvP doesn’t have a script. Sure with enough practice you know what that insert class is gonna do at insert actionable moment , but it isn’t scripted as you’re fighting players, not NPCs.

PvP, for the most part is inherrantly more difficult as a result of it not being scripted, so to have PvE heroes, regardless of how good they are, have gear viable in your chosen content is insulting. Look at all the crying 2 pvp focused essences got in BFA, the amount of crybabies saying they don’t wanna PvP for their BiS essence because theyd on’t like it. Now imagine 15 years of that for PvPers, having to PvE to remain viable and gain advantage in PvP, it’s insulting.

Sorry but the data speaks for itself. Pvp participation according to the numbers derived from glad % alone tells that BFA somehow managed to outdo even Legion in terms of people dropping pvp.

Pve gear can’t and won’t work in pve. If you want to do pvp, best gear should come from pvp. If you want to do pve, best gear should come from pve.

Also we have more bagspace than ever before so if you dont want to bother farming sets for both pve and pvp then frankly thats up to you, not anybody else.

Trying to get everyone equal gear with equal pathing ways because the gear is obtained so differently and with different mindsets is impossible. If pvp gear was anywhere near as good and useful as pve gear, people would feel forced to do it, and vice versa.

Blizzard tried to create an even playing field where you can choose whatever content you like and have meaningful progression. What happened instead was an illusion of choice, where people went with path of least resistance, not what they enjoyed. I mean, look at me. I hate, loathe and despise both raiding and m+, but ALL my gear is from pve sources.

Separation of thegearing systems is the ONLY way to make gearing meaningful. For raiding, for m+, and pvp.

Also the dumb argument that “aha minority pvp playerbase” was false and always was. During WoD the then dev Brian Holinka tweeted onto a discussion about this, proving that random and rated arena pvp participation numbers up to 2k were higher than normal and heroic raiding combined.

lolwhat. Since when?


It’s not gear at lower ratings that are holding people back, lol.

But that’s the core identity of WoW. It has always been that gear/class carriers you over skill to a point. Yes, eventually you reach a point where gear/class wont carry you and you will have to rely on skill. Besides, your PvP partners will quickly notice where you are in terms of skill, 1-3 matches is a give-away.
For the record? A good PvP’er will annihilate a bad overgeared PvE’ers at low CR.

No, they won’t let you in, because RIO is there to prevent such. They will easily be able to tell what your experience and progression with PvE content is.

What? No it is isn’t. They invested time in the game and acquired it through their preferred game play, just like you and everyone else did. To have a fully kited person, trying out the other part of the endgame, is perfectly fine. It is NOT insulting.

That’s raider attitude but I do understand it to some extend.

  • PvP BIS should not come from PvE
  • PvE BIS should not come from PvP

They should just be equal.

This is completely inaccurate.

It wasn’t like that for TBC, (WotLK), Cata, MoP and WoD.
You only had to PvE in (Vanilla), Legion and BFA to get PvP gear.

Look, I’m saying that creating the barrier between PvE and PvP content has put PvP gear acquisition in the drain. You feel me?

Bringing back Resilience, PvP Power or item levels that jump +100 in PvP just creates a even bigger space between the parts of the game.

MoP and WoD, once catchup points reached a point that allow you to get said full set. Could get a good amount of points quickly by farming fast games in 2s and/or RBGs.

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Uh, no. It’s faster to find a mythic plus run than winning both ashran and random bg.

For a new character looking to get a full set of gear?

Yes. I didn’t win a single BG when I was grinding out my blood of the enemy.

A new character in BfA in BGs is a lot less potent than one in WoD. Mileage may vary in MoP.

Meaning that you’re not actively hurting your team’s efforts in WoD by just taking a slot in a BG, increasing your chances to win.

A lot more feasible than trying to get in a +5 on a 250il character.

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That’s because of M+, I mean ilvl gap is insane in BFA.

A freshly dinged 120 has ilvl 280.
Heroics reward 415
Bg’s reward 425

That’s a pretty big gap. Then is just escalates to stupidity with M+.

It’s the health differences that are the largest.

A 470 toon has 3 times the HP and deal 9 times the damage of a 280 toon.

It depends how the game has been built up. Throughout the years I played MMOs where PvP was an integral part of outdoor content. In one of them there weren’t even instances, just outdoor content bosses that you could tackle, and which the other two faction players (yes, the game had three factions) could either assist with, or sabotage.

But then that game wasn’t as lenient as WoW was. If you died from a mob last hitting you you could lose between one and 100% of the XP you accumulated to that level.

PvP is one of the biggest side activities you can do in this game beside raiding. Them having a way to progress atleast most of their gear slots from the content they enjoy shouldn’t be an outlandish concept in my opinion.

I agree.
Which bleeds into why I stand by the notion that you could have a more viable character at a casual pace with the old system. In instanced pvp, you were never as weak as even a 445 character currently would be. Not in WoD at least.

And the gap between your fresh char and full geared ppl narrowed as you played more, since the activity itself rewarded you, unlike now.

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i still rember the silly level 3 twinks with 99% pvp ress what was almoust impusible to kill u had to stack up pvp power to kill them not even guards was avable to kill them MOP pvp was so broken.

We dont need a pvp only stat. Best system was warlords