You can make a new TRP profile and use it for a new roleplay character on the same OOC character, but most dead characters stay dead, unless they’re risen into undeath in some way or another.
You receive the worst experience when roleplaying either as a guard or a criminal because often people treat RP wrong. They dont want to lose and thus will abuse this thing to no limits.
Sure, such people can be avoided or put on ignore but you still get that salty taste first time.
Core problem of this, is that people make their characters behave unrealistically. E.g : Let me attack a patrol of guards and expect to come out alive from it.
If people would treat it realistically and their characters would at least accept the fact that they can die l, they wouldnt put their characters in such situations where “permission to be killed” is even abused.
It’s a very delicate balance. I’ve become a bit wary of combat RP, if anything because it’s so hard to be done in a tasteful way.
Agreed. Plus, the whole joke of guards being useless is likely because criminals and others just won’t accept consequence of their actions, let alone death. People who want to RP guards simply won’t because it won’t be taken seriously by some, and will get accused of trying to control other’s RP by others.
As for the lethality I dont necessarily mind player characters not dying, unless they are my guildie it’s hard to know if they are maybe just freshly made character and they just logically don’t want to off it at first event etc. People have their reasons and I can’t read minds. I don’t think you should have a written premission beforehand from someone though, I just make sure all my emotes are attempts and a little vague and it’s up to the other person to choose their response, if they leave it up to roll or feel like their character would die there, that’s up to them. But then again I have never killed any player character. People mentioned attacking group of guards and expecting to come out on top and that’s just why I avoid city RP, all the demons, old god aberrations, people openly admitting to being Scarlets or Defias members, opposity faction trying to hang out in an enemy city etc, yeah those people you know are not thinking about any IC consequences.
What I have an issue is with player’s not treating NPCs as important enough. Whether it’s ignoring actual NPC guards in game or event NPCs. Players not minding friendly NPCs dying, going for a headshot with every emote against enemy NPCs, going full Rambo into a horde of demons or scourge or supperior number of bandits, what have you. Some people just seem to know IC that those are NPCs and expect that it means they are going to automatically win. I saw people rush through army of NPCs just so they can be the one to take down the big bad boss. And of course as was mentioned above as well, people going for casual strolls to danger zones or to the enemy camp during campaigns…
I really couldn’t care less if or how players let their characters die, but I think people not treating threats IC reasonably enough whether it’s from NPCs or other players definitely can ruin the experience and makes for much harder job for the DMs and fellow RPers.
I feel like this is one of those sad realities .
I do think people abuse the fact that death can’t be forced upon them (And it should never be forced just to be clear) and just run with it to get into all manner of situations knowing full well death is not an outcome .
Be it attacking guards in the open as Tenebres said or just charging a small army by yourself in a guild event etc etc .
I DM really often and the amount of times I’ve seen people just refuse to back down from an unwinnable situation , because they have no fear their characters may die , is astounding .
Basically just putting the DM in an awkward situation .
I think at certain point, it’s for the best to openly tell people that what they’re doing is dumb and that if they keep doing it, they should expect IC consequences, including character death.
And if they take issue with it, fine, they won’t have to face IC consequences. Instead they’ll face OOC consequences such as gkick or no longer being invited to events (in case the events aren’t done in the framework of a guild).
Oh I agree.
During my human RP times within Footman and SCS, I made characters with the sole reason to kill them off.
Afterall, not everybody is a hero and can face off against someone who’s been to x-many wars, with x-more amount of experience in battle, to only take a scratch.
Killing off a character is a big decision, but it also delivers RP to others not only for a moment, but sometimes for the whole life time of other people’s characters.
I think it all boils down to: How long have I been RPing this character and how attached did I grow to them.
I feel that character deaths always will be impactful, provided they’re missed by others. I’m not so sure that I agree it needs to be meaningful. Death can be senseless and seemingly random.
Now, the storyteller/RPer in me is a sucker for momentous final moments; s blaze of glory, the noble self-sacrifice or a tragic fall from grace type narratives.
Yet twice I’ve seen year old characters die by seemingly meaningless (and thus unexpected) events: An arrow fired by an unknown archer (ergo an off-screen NPC) during an RP-PvP campaign in Ashenvale, and a glacier in Icecrown opening during a scouting mission.
No rhyme or reason, beyond being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Not the most glorious or meaningful of ends, but easily just as memorable for their ruthlessly tragic nature.
A mindset that needs to be the thing that dies.
You can’t win or lose RP, as everything should add to the story and should be valued.
Agreed, I’ve developed a mantra that basically boils down to “losing with style” to make RP that i even lose the nicest for both parties, Key thing is how you do it.
of course being mindful of such is useless if the other party demands things that are unreasonable, thankfully i’ve not encountered any of those yet
People treat “loosing” in rp as if their social credit is going to decline .
“Ack I can’t loose this while everyone is watching ! Ill be a joke !”
In my experience not dying is mostly a matter of preparation, just as it should be. If a character isn’t qualified to a task, they either back down and nobody things bad about it, or they actually take the risk of injury, mental trauma or death. And then it all boils to accepting the consequences.
Much easier to kill off characters on REDACTED servers where making a new char and mogging them up takes you 10 minutes. I’d probably be a lot more open to it if the process was easier on Retail, but alas, it is not.
I’ve had maybe two encounters, where one of my characters has caused a death. One handled well, the other not so well.
The first was an attempted assassination of my previous character’s friend. A poisoning, followed by an attempted stabbing and, if that failed, a bomb. The assassin ended up with their neck snapped by my character, after taking the brunt of the explosion from the bomb.
That was handled well, although the character in question was undoubtedly a throwaway, specifically for that purpose.
The second was a Demon Hunter, who’d attacked someone and caused a rather large commotion. I won’t get too into the details, but they made themself out to be a victim, rather than the instigator, and was promptly imprisoned. They kept trying to escape, usually with the assistance of some sob who got suckered into it, before trying to run away when told what the consequences of that would be. They were beheaded shortly after by my previous character.
They did not handle the death well, and promptly decided to retcon it happening, because they didn’t like the consequences for their actions.
Obviously, I think the death of a character should be an absolute last resort. People get attached to their characters, and I sure as hell don’t want to see them lose that attachment. With that said, if a character DOES end up in a situation where death is the only logical outcome, be it due to their own actions, or the situation they’ve ended up in, it should be accepted. Whether that’s with a fuss, or with grace, is up to the individual it’s happening to.
The true solution to people being dismissive and invincible to cop RP is not doing cop RP or doing it with people you’re initially on the same page with
My character has a risk of falling down stairs and dying each time.
Cause of death: Ankles crossed at the Rotball match by LeBron Cryptlaker.
/e your gun jams