Let's talk about toys

Basically, I’ve noticed that the majority of transformation toys have an absurd cooldown,

For example: Dark Ranger’s Spare Cowl has a 2 hour cooldown, breaks on combat and lasts for 10 minutes,

I for one, Can’t understand why a toy thats basically just transmog, Doesnt add any particles nor does it change your size, Deserves to be made exclusive for AFK’ers.

The same goes for Sira’s Extra Cloak Krastinov’s Bag of Horrors and my favorite of all, The Ravenbear disguise, Which is just the cenarion hat and shoulders from MC lasts 10 minute’s and has a 1 hour cooldown.

Is there a possibility that blizz might change it in Shadowlands? Or atleast give us a reason why they exist?

Which isnt generalization, Like “Because the train toy is annoying we gotta nerf them all.”


I don’t think the reason has anything to do with Train set abuse.

I’ve always assumed the longer cooldown is just so that it cannot be used fulltime.

I think that’s exactly what they don’t want, for us to see the shapeshifting toys as transmog or effectively permanent transformation. I don’t think they were ever ment as an alternative to Druid forms or transmog.

Even the original shapeshift, the vanilla orb of deception (formerly a trinket, now a toy), long before we had a toybox or transmogrification, had a 5 min duration and 30 min cooldown.

But the reasoning is all speculation on my part of course.


Yet the fire kitty toy from FL is all but perm it is very strange .

Yea, that’s true, there are probably some exceptions.

The Seed pouch is also Druid-only of course, which is already the one class that is allowed to be permanently shapeshifted, so perhaps that’s related.

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The idea is probably because blizzard don’t want us to walk around looking like something else 24/7.

What about Burgy Blackheart’s Handsome Hat though? Kalytha’s Haunted locket and the faded wizard hat, You can already use these toys 24/7 individually.

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Blizzard are Blizzard

Yea indeed, i think those are just exceptions. It’s not really like Blizzard to have a strict consistent standard about such things.

it’s mostly just that the explanation above is how it always struck me.

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Seem’s like they arent opposed to player’s being transformed 24/7, It feels like they intentionally try to make these toys as un-appealing as possible.

My problem is with them not giving us any clear reasons as to why some toys should have no cooldown, And some deserve to be basically be forgotten.

with this knowledge i can potentially level a mecha gnome and not feel bad about it, ty

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What is the reason for “Transmorpher Beacon” to not be usable in BGs? Its just a transformation toy just like any other.

And yeah… why they should break on combat/death… Make all transformation toys to last 1 hour and not breakable on combat/death just like the Hallow`s End costumes.

There is one simple reason why the cooldown for the cool toys is so long, they don’t want us to have fun.

Halt! Police! Put the toy down buster… fun is not allowed in these parts of town…

they don’t want the game to look silly, so you can’t be perma-transformed in something that breaks immersion.
that’s why they introduced a yeti onsie mog, oh wait, wtf blizz…

I’m always sad at very short use items with long cooldowns.

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Pretend that i posted a meme/gif (or whatever its called) of Mofasa telling simba
remember who you are

Couldn’t find a gif


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