Leveling in Shadowlands - Request

So did I test beta the same way :wink::+1:.

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I’ve got beta invited eventually as well, but it was late in the beta cycle, so I was only able to level Horde and nothing much before it ended.

But I do think it’s pretty crucial to test out the leveling, and take into consideration that some people do not want a 70% boost in leveling and prefer the old way


You may have had a smoother beta experience… in Alpha falling through the floor and having to reroll was a frequent thing.

Also the flying loa quest would drop you to your death when you mounted it… and getting back to your body was impossible.

When eventually you could ride it, all it would do is ride you to the quest hand in point repeating the same phrase, then instead of dropping you take you all the way back and get stuck in the same loop :rofl:


To be honest with you I enjoy the old way of leveling more then dungeon leveling.Its more immersive makes me feel like I am playing Skyrim in wow or better yet lotro.


Hehe, yea, I did have a smooth leveling experience on BFA’s Horde side. I remember reporting some bugs, and some visual errors - such as some waterfalls not being correctly animated, and some other stuff, but as it was too late into the cycle, I didn’t run into many bugs indeed.

Hopefully I’ll get invited, and sooner this time around, but I’ll focus on the 1-50 experience instead - since this is kinda of a “new start”, I’d like it to be as smooth as possible, and made in a way that makes sense, and pleases both parties (fast, and slow levlers)

Oh I agree too.

Short tempered grumpy go go go players in dungeons totally ruin the fantasy of WoW for me. Leveling is my fave activity in WoW.

I got WoD beta also… would love to get the chance to beta test again :slight_smile:


I LOVE leveling in the old content, especially after the scaling was applied, and you can finish a whole zone. The scaling is one of the very best things ever implemented - IDK why people were against it so much. I think it smoothed out the leveling pretty well.

I got into betas since MoP, but it was mostly through contests, such as Wowhead and stuff. Only in BFA I got added by Blizz (but I think almost everyone was anyway )


Make sure you guys are opted in if you want to test:


Thank you I will i almost forgot about that :grin:.

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They ruin it for everyone it’s like why even play an MMO if you don’t have time for it

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There was not a lot of point testing the 1-110 levelling in BFA beta as global scaling had already been introduced in 7.3.5. I did some extensive testing of that on the PTR before the patch went live (and was sad when bugs I found were not fixed).

With Shadowlands, I suspect that there will be a lot of people checking out how it works (I know that I will if I get in) . I don’t think that they will find many problems either since we have been living with scaling for around 2 years now so most issues should have been resolved. I hope anyways. I really don’t want a repeat of the broken devilsaur quest with Maximillian of Northshire.

Sort of like a solo party sync? That could work, and I imagine that it would be simple to implement. I’m not sure how they would increase the difficulty outside of making mobs hit point sponges though. New abilities seem like too much work so maybe something like M+ affixes?

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How did you get into Alpha may I ask as its usually for family,friends(blizzard staff) and streamers and top 100 players .Everyone else gets Beta which I haven’t missed since Vanilla .

You aren’t forced to use the Chromie “timewalking” levelling that will allow us to do 10-50 in one expansion. You can still flit about back and forth as you see fit without going to Chromie. I am guessing xp freezing will still be possible, I’ve not seen any mention that it will be removed.

Doing every single expansion is my idea of hell. :rofl: But we all like different things :slight_smile:

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I would take anything to spice up leveling without having to turn warmode on (which I never do)

They invited me :slight_smile:

They also allowed me to stay for beta after.

Not very exciting though as it is massively unplayable with the sheer amount of gamebreaking bugs.

I guess they invited me because I do a huge amount of questing over any other activities in the 13 years played.

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