Leveling via Dungeons in Shadowlands

This is hilarious and not acceptable to make changes like this just 3h before new expansion lauches.


I couldn’t disagree more with that statement.

Except… This is no different from BfA, where you could not go into Dungeons of zones opposite to your faction until you did Footholds - for example, only having Freehold, Shrine of the Storm and Waycrest Manor until you got to progress the war campaign into Zandalar.

The idea itself is amazing, the timing not so much. Overall a great change, just make sure next time u do this sooner so the WF people don’t babyrage on every possible social media site


The questing is required to unlock covenants, Torghast and the Maw, so it doesn’t change anything really.


This is not only a bad idea, its a dirty move Blizzard. And you know why
So sad

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OK, great. But you do know there will be 100s of players at the same quest spots - it will be a lag nightmare! Look at Icecrown there are like 50 players around each rare, you cannot see anything as all the graphics overlap, and there is also the lag.

Ardenweald is going to be much worse!

Not a problem for me since I am on a PVE server… XD

Why is that?

This upsets the speed levelers.


what word would you use when the only alternative system for leveling is taken away 3 hours before launch?

its literally hours before launch…dropped at the last moment so blizz could limit the negative feedback recieved

I never do dungeons when levelling myself… but I think it’s bad to remove/gate choice and options for everyone.

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I love this, thank you!

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Never was and never will be a fan of running dungeons. I like to explore first and quest, i love questing. So no dungeons for me …at all.

You guys sure you’re not trying to rip off Final Fantasy XIV? Because the more I read about this expansion including the name the more it seems like you are.


Since when are we determining that just because names are similar?

May I remind you of Shadowbane, 2003 MMORPG

Well there goes my leveling plan, my computer is a bit bad so it can’t handle the massive amounts of people in the questing zones at launch so dungeon leveling for the first days was really my only option. Guess I’ll have to start leveling some time next week…


Having Cataclysm de ja vu.