LF chill raid group

Me and my friend love doing raids and M+ runs, however, we don’t have the time to join a hardcore group that has weekly requirements. For now we are doing pug raids, but this really isn’t the fun thing to do, people aren’t doing mechanics, it takes a long time to find a group, …

So a group where we can join some raids would be fine, we are around 390 ilvl and going up.

I would like to talk to you about our guild so please reach out here Nameless#7697

Do you have any time or date preferences? Punished on top of being a guild is cross faction/realm community which allows people to join our raids from various other realms and if the time, group mentality and such are a mix the people are more then welcome to join the guild if they wish to, but this is not a requirement.

Raid times are Wednesday and Thursday from 21 to 00, we do not require strict attendance, be there when you can, but be prepared.

If this sounds like something you are interested about, feel free to add me on discord Mari#6813

you’re in Ghostlands which is connected to us on Dragonblight, check out our recruitment post for the Knights Who Say Nih