LF Daytime raiding guild


I am looking for a day time raiding guild for myself and my brother. Due to where we live and other commitments - We can only play during the day.

Time:- Flexible from 10 AM to 7 pm Server time

Days:- prefer weekdays

Classes i would prefer are Rogue or demon hunter.
Classes my brother prefers are pally/Dps warr.

We both are good players and can adapt well.

Hit us up if we fit your timings and we can talk further.

Also server and factions do not matter to us. But timings and good people do <3.


we are still looking.

still looking… :smiley:

hey add me on discord if u wanna have a chat DK-Reaper#8273 or check out our post here [LFM] [EU] [H] [draenor] [M+] [Raid] Relaxed social Guild recruiting

hey, read your post. Unfortunately weekends do not work for us.

if you find one give me a shout ^^^^

will do. still looking. will try for a few more days or just join some pugs.

Hey. You guys still looking? DM me on discord. Kikonez#4125. We’re a daytime mythic raiding guild on Draenor. Looking for a couple of people to bolster our ranks. If you want end game progression let’s have a chat.