LF Freindly Casual Guild

Hello all!

Ive been playing wow since vanilla and have been on and off for a number of years, this is mainly because… i actually have no-one to play with. Everyone that I knew no longer plays the game. I try to join mythics and raids but never get invited due to bad gear or not having achievements, but I don’t know anyone to help me get there!

So im finally reaching out in the hope to find something new.

What I am looking for is a casual raiding guild but active enough to create groups for content, to enjoy M+, raiding and exploring old raids! I don’t play everyday and time can be limited to a couple of hours in the evening.

  • A group to run TW Black Temple when it arrives for the glaive achievement!

Im 29 and from the UK, so a guild similar to my age and English would be my preference.

I would be willing to change servers for the right guild, I’d like to just login one day and be invited to something that my gear can handle and just have fun rather then playing with elitist

I have many alts but wish to main Demon Hunter

Im on discord as Raskl #0845 for anyone who wants to chat

Thank you :slight_smile:

hey Tiigeri
Blazed Redemption are lfm raiders to continue into 8.2 and beyond. We raid with another guild called Pure Insanity from the realm turalyon. 6/8 NM
we raid Thursday and sunday 8-30PM ST to 11 PM ST
u can find more info @ Blazed redemption recruiting for 8.2 and beyond
or u can /w me ingame if u have any questions that u may have

Hey Tiigeri!

I’m GM in a Horde guild that has been established back in March; we’re just beginning to raid now although we have a lot of ‘new to wow’ players so taking it slow and doing Uldir for example - not for gear, just experience.

We are a casual guild, and certainly not that interested in being any more than that, but we have a nice core group of people who enjoy playing together which is good.

See my post - [H] Is Amazing - looking for more to join our guild (On Doomhammer/Turalyon Forums).

Feel free to add me on battlenet (Singer#2816) for a chat!


If you are interested in some relaxed raiding we are just about to start up The Eternal Palace. You can read more about our guild here:

We will be raiding Monday & Sunday 20:00-22:00 So if that’s something that sounds interesting feel free to hit us up :slight_smile: If you want some more info you can add #Shalix21135

Hi there, my guild Casualty on the Darkmoon Faire server is on the lookout for some more dps. We’re a casual raid guild raiding mondays and thursdays 20:30-22:30 server time and have just started progressing through heroic Eternal Palace after clearing it on normal. We always manage to have a laugh in raids and dungeons and tactics normally go something like “that’s too much to read, lets just pull it and see what we die to!” Alot of us run M+ between raids too so I’m sure there would be people willing to help you gear up a bit.

We’re mostly all in our 30s with jobs and familys etc and alot of us here are from the UK. If you’d like any more info come give us a poke in game (we’re most active in the evenings) or have a look at our website www.casualty-guild.com