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Looking for a guild to join with friends for Shadowlands.
Apologies, I posted as my alt levelling character - this is my main:
Bulgoi-Draenor. I can’t link armory cos i just transferred and wow armory hasn’t updated.

What we can give
Myself and my friends want a place where we can comfortably grind Shadowlands together. We are willing to commit to raids.

What I’m looking for

  • Progress m+ (my personal goal is to get to level 20 keys or higher. Willing to also help any members with keys as long as the environment is kind and respectful)
  • Progress raid (my personal goal is to join a raid team to push heroic and mythic. A guild with social-friendly alt raids is preferred. I’m looking to progress as a player in a relaxed environment.
  • Overall a friendly, mature, drama-free environment.
  • Place that is open to player development. Willing to help each other out.

Our roles
Me - I play Demon Hunter DPS currently - Interested in the following classes for Shadowlands: Warlock, Demon Hunter, Rogue, Death Knight (Tank) or Paladin (Tank). I don’t want to commit to a choice now because I feel like it is too early to say but I have preference for DPS. Willing to try other roles if needed.
Friend - My friend is currently playing Holy Paladin. Needs more gearing ready for shadowlands. Also doesn’t want to commit to specific class for now due to it being early but he wants to heal.

Final notes
I have other friends that may potentially want to join guild also, some on a more casual basis or unable to commit as much around certain dates due to education.

Hello there Antagonize!

I’m not gonna post any pre-made guild recruitment post, instead I added your Btag so let’s have a chat.

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