LF Guild to raid with in 9.1

So i will add to the many looking for guild posts.

Right now im focusing on my havoc DH to get it in shape for 9.1 so i am looking for a guild that raids 1 or 2 nights per week.
8-11 server time would be ideal, days do not matter.
I do alot of M+ so i would like a guild that is actually active in off days and not totally dead when there is no raids on.

If there are any out there and are recruiting just hit me up here.

Hey Hochó,

That sounds exacltly like a guild I am looking for. Casual raiding and something to do outside of the raidhours. I am gonna keep an eye on this topic perhaps someone responds that can help us both.

Hey there

We’re on the lookout for active players. I’ll post the guild add below.

Feel free to contact us for more info

I look forward to hearing from you


Was going to reply that we are actively looking for a raiding DH ! XD


I think I could offer what you are looking for.

Remix - Silvermoon Alliance.

Looking for more dps for 9.1.
We’re a social bunch and do a lot of key during off days.
Active discord, good enviroment, friendly atmosphere.

We raid on Wednesday/Monday 7pm-10pm with an optional alt raid on friday. At the moment we’re doing a full clear on HC nathria on wednesday.

Add me on bnet and lets talk some more: Raski#21503

Hey Hochó, saw that you are looking for a guild - Llamageddon is looking to recruit a couple of dps to round out our raiding roster for 9.1.
We enjoy having good progression, but also like to have fun whilst clearing raid, running M+ and generally just hanging out. Our goals are AOTC each tier, and KSM .
Raid days are Wednesdays and Sundays 8pm - 11pm ST, although at the moment we’re just running the skip on Wednesdays whilst Nathria is on farm and 9.1 feels like it is taking so many years.
Happy to have a chat - dm me on discord if interested - iamafajita#5320 :slight_smile:

Hey! Legionnaires is a 6/10M a laidback and social raiding guild currently raiding on tuesday and thursday nights from 20-23 server time and we’re currently looking for 1 or 2 DPS players to perfect our roster for the coming tier!
We’re a pretty active and social guild and there’s usually always a couple of people running keys in the afternoons and evenings so I think we’d be a pretty good match for you!
If you’re at all interested in raiding with a fun, friendly and social guild please add me on battlenet where my ID is Aluminum#21553 or on discord where my ID is Awadachi#4578 and we can talk further!

Hi Hocho,

Give us a look:

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