LF guild to raid

Hey there,
Just recently returned from a break in 9.1 and im now looking to get back into raiding. Faction and server doesn’t matter. My best geared character is my havoc DH but i have a blood DK and elemental shaman capable of being quickly turned raid ready

Hi there!

I’m here to point you in the direction of Shadowlads-Magtheridon. We’re a small, semi-casual, and friendly guild with a chill and low-pressure raid environment. We clear up to HC, have 2x Ahead of The Curve under our belt, and also always do the meta achievement for the current raid. We make sure to not take things too seriously and always joke around. Everyone’s opinion matters no matter the rank, and we also have a variety of skill levels across our member roster.

If you have any questions, feel free to message me at yani#4566 on Discord or pants#22565 on BTag:)

Heya! If you are still LFG my raiding guild on draenor is looking to recruit players for heroic and mythic progression, and would be particularly interested in a Havoc Demon Hunter.

We aim to have productive raiding whilst focusing on a possitive and fun raid environment where everyone can log on and enjoy raiding together with minimal frustration and toxicity. If you are looking for a fun community to raid with which will blend as progression focus with a good atmosphere then we might be good fits.

the murlocalypse- dreanor

We are a newly formed guild, made up of old friends looking to do casual raiding!!.
Progression without the aggression :slight_smile:

we are currently at 10/11NM 2/11H on Sulpher

Lots of spots open! so everyone’s welcome! even socials and pvp :slight_smile:

well be starting on normal, then heroic and hopefully mythic !

raid times … FRI 8pm -22pm server time SAT 7pm-22pm server time

we will be running m+ reguarly once we get enough people :slight_smile:

were just a bunch of fun loving people, who fit playing round our family and work life! All we ask is u bring a positive attitude!

anymore questions drop me a message on
NightRaven#2116148 and ill happily send u the discord link

hopefully we shall see you soon

Hey Arakasí,

Not sure what days/times you’re looking to raid so no idea whether we fit what you’re after, but this is our (somewhat old) recruitment post from when 9.2 launched. Days/times etc are still the same, would be looking for you on either the DH or the ele shaman.

If you want to have a chat then add scar (info in post) or add myself on discord Shifty#5317

We’re currently 11/11 nm and 7/11hc. Might be worth you popping along to a wednesday run to see how the raid vibe feels for you.