[LF H/N RP Guild] The Conundrum of a Casual, Heavy roleplayer

We’d be more than happy to have another person along on our journey here in the Ashen.

Our group tends to be active towards the back end of the night as we have players from all different timezones. Majority of us are UK but we also have 1-2 members who are around in EST / NA times.

Our events (outside of campaigns) usually start at 21:30 Server Time and run till about 00:00 Server Time. Of course this varies depending on the avaliability of people and how soon we have to go. So there’s always a late arrival and action to jump into and if we’re not doing events we do a lot of focus on just casually vibing with eachother.

Though we’re active daily and have an understanding that we all live busy and hectic lives in today’s age.

If you want to check us out my guild’s forum is below. :slight_smile: