Hey there, interested in your post would love a battle.net chat with you.
here our post for you to read if you wish, thanks and hope to speak to you soon!
<Efficiency> of Draenor are looking for excellent players to progress through Battle For Azeroth. / Current Progression 8/8 HC Uldir 3/8 Mythic Uldir 7/9 Normal Dazar-alor 4/9 Herioc Dazar-alor Raid days: Tues-Thurs-Sun (9:00pm-12:00am ST). ------------- Currently Recruiting to compliment our current roster:
Tanks -------------
DPS ------------- Hunters( High) Mages(high) Rogue(Medium) Shadowpriest(Medium) Warlocks(low) Elemantal Shaman(high) Fury warrior(very high) DemonHunter…