LF raiding guild for TWW

I’m looking for a guild to clear at the very least heroic with but preferrably mythic with in the next expansion.
i’ve barely played in dragonflight but i’ve raided since WotLK in various capacities but here are my most recent logs https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/eu/tarren-mill/Ångan?zone=29#zone=28

I play both Disc and holy

i can only guarantee 75% attendance due to my job
Best regards

Maybe Punished could be the place for you?

Our aim is Curve, with possible some mythic raiding if roster allows and people want to.

Casual, older players, no requirements to be part of the guild (we have a community) to do m+ and raids with us.

Our raid times Wednesday and Thursday from 21 to 00 server time (right now as it is the end of the season just doing Wednesday for a heroic clear and rest of the week is off). M+ we do when ever people feel like it (we have some joint in-game communities for a larger group pool as well :wink: )

As we are raiding tonight, then it is a best time to join us and see what we are about (no strings attached, no need to join the guild, just check us out and see are we a fit for you or not).

Add me on discord if interested: mari.s

Longer post about who we are can be found here: Punished [Dentarg/Tarrem Mill][A/H] is looking more for s4!

Hey our guild might interest you.

we could be what your looking for

[H] Looking for active players - Recruitment / Guild Recruitment - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

Hey !

[Forgotten Souls ] are looking to recruit dps/heal for the raid team for next patch. We raid Sun/Mon evenings each week, if you are interested please get in touch with me. Socials are also very welcome! We are a guild full of friends and we know each other for quite a while already.
We do allot of m+ when there is no raid.

If this sounds something for you , please message me.


One and ALL Guild a a casual raiding guild with chilled atmosphere perfect for mature working/parent people - Socials and M+ are welcome ofc
We raid Thurs-Friday around 21:00 PM server time -
we are 9/9H Guild currently recruiting for TWW

feel free to contact Dukafleed on Discord for Guild invite and more information
I believe we are a perfect fit - lets have a talk…

Hey, I hope you’ll like what we offer, here

One and ALL Guild is a casual raiding guild with chilled atmosphere perfect for mature working/parent people - Socials and M+ are welcome ofc
We raid Thurs-Friday around 21:00 PM server time -
we are 9/9H Guild currently recruiting for TWW

feel free to contact Dukafleed on Discord for Guild invite and more information
I believe we are a perfect fit - lets talk