Lf raiding guild horde side

Hello every1, im 33yo player from Vanilla days. Used to play Holy paladin till WOTLK,then switched to Prot and kept it till today. Have many CE in back days till BFA as i took break at beginning and get back in 8.2.

Latest score EP 5/8M ( due to me getting late interest into Mythic even if i cleared HC in 2nd week of release)
NYA 3/12M (dog to 2%, hivemind to 17%) first 2 bosses killed in first week with pug i created and 3rd boss recently after that and then i screw my self.

Actually i overrated Silvermoon realm in terms of recruiting roaster and created guild.We had some nice guys in there who performed very well but always were lacking 2-3 players, no matter how hard we were recruiting that wasnt good enough to keep raid stable. After over a month of struggling i have decided to quit that story and not backstepping anyone.

As i said im old school player used to wipe as long as raids are consistent and doing progress even by 1%. Communicative and as i was GM and RL in many guilds in my career i know what hurts the guild most so im aware of not doing anything of that to one i join. U can count me as 99% attendance on scheduled raid days ( that 1% will leave for some unplanned things that can happen irl).Im dedicated as i know that guild is dependant on me (if tank role) and not guy who leaves team just like that. Im not switching guilds often so im looking for stable raiding guild as my new home.

I have Main Prot paladin, OS retri both ready for mythic NYA, also have alt mage ready for Mythic NYA ( i just need a bit of practice as it was alt so didnt play that active on it). Also have warrior 12/12HC Tank and have some more alts that are close to be ready for HC (hunter,Monk tank,DK tank,Druid healer).

However im looking for 3 days per week raiding (20:00 or 20:30 onwards) with some decent progress, and as im planning on switching to horde im looking for Kazzak or Tarren Mill realms and Draenor can be considered.

Anyway for more info u can add me Straydergame#2311



Hi there! The Cult of Tears is recruiting - Realm - Tarren Mill! We’re a brand new guild but growing well in numbers everyday! We are looking to start finding members for SL! Our goal is to cover all aspects of WoW, from the social aspect, PvP and the HC/Mythic raiding within a comfortable, environment, we have a get to know trial heroic raid coming up tomorrow let me know if you’d like to pug with us and see if you Wana join after :slight_smile: feel free to add me :+1:

Battle Tag - FiaInferno#2521

Hi there I own a guild on kazzak we do m+ and have done 11/12n we are now, starting on hc we have a experienced rl from mythic guilds, we raid on Thursdays and Sundays realm time 9-30-12.30 pm, I added your Battle.net but here is mine. OlwynMorris#2225

Bump!! Can play Warr,DK,Monk tank for next tier if needed