Lf raiding guild - returning player


I am a returning player (quit after uldir) and looking for a new casual raiding guild that’s doing normal and looking for heroic progress or have just started. I would prefer active guild members that use discord to chat and run m+ and so on and would prefer a mature guild (I am 30 years old) with a focus on fun but not drama.

Just transferred my Elemental shaman to this server and hes currently 403ilvl and neck lvl 51. I am also looking at moving my monk and/or warrior for the right guild.

I am from UK so my raid time are anywhere from 18:00 to 22:30 server time.

You can contact me in game or on discord

BatlleNet: Claytis#227

Dircord: Claytis#9298

Thank you.

Hey, may be a good fit for you - let me know if you want to discuss details.

times are a bit late for me im afraid but thank you :slight_smile:

Hi if your still on the look out for a guild check us out

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