LF semi-core mythic raid team

So… Here we are again. Another raid team disbanded due to RL commitments in the officer team. It sucks (even tho i get why we disbanded), especially since we have a new season only a few days away. As i see it i have 4 options…

  1. Stop playing - I really enjoy the game atm so that doesnt make sence

  2. Focus purely on M+ - I love me some M+, but its in the raids im enjoying the game the most.

  3. Start my own team/guild - Ive done that in the past, and like my dear previous officer team i have too much IRL responsability to maintain a team/guild

  4. Find another team/guild - This is where you, dear reader, come into play :slight_smile:

With 4(ish)/8 mythic in s1 im looking for a team with equal experience. Why 4 ish? I have killed Eranog, council and Sennarth on my toon. I also did ALL THE PROGRESSION on Terros, but missed the kill cuz i got sick and my team 2 shotted it ^^ I played Devastation Evoker in s1 but was gonna reroll to DH since my team didnt have one and we would benefit greatly from the 5% magic dmg buff. I can go evoker again no problem, but am open to other classes/specs.

I also come with baggage, meaning i have a hunter friend and a mage friend from the team being in the same situation as myself. Would LOVE to bring em whereever i end up going. If this post makes sence to you, and you wanna get in touch, hmu on discord Bask#5386 and we can have a chat. To everyone reading this, have a great s2 and rest of Dragonflight :slight_smile: cheers


We are on Draenor and could offer all 3 of you a spot for our Mythic team. ATM we want to clear normal this week and make a start in heroic. After that we will continue to Mythic.