LF social raiding guild

Hey guys,

my self and my friend are looking for mature friendly social raiding guild, raiding twice or 3 times a week..

Current progress is 8/8N 6/8HC 1/8M

Bnet(Moe#2516) Deadsol: Frost DK iL 368

Bnet (Stango#2404) Deathsol: Rogue iL 375

Note Suitable raiding timings will be around 8:00pm Server time
Hi, would you be interested in later raid times? We raid from 10 pm till midnight 2 or 3 times per week (days are shifting since we have some ppl working shifts ;)). Our current progress is 5/8 HC.
Hello bois!
I am Renatalion, officer of Burnout. We're currently at 2/8 mythic and looking for more dedicated and reliable people. We're raiding a little later than what you're looking for but hit me up if you want more info ! We're raiding from 21.30 till 00.30 Mondays, Thursdays and sundays.
Aiming to be 8/8 rather soon. But we have some people to replace in order to make that happen. i'll hear from you :)
29/10/2018 14:47Posted by Machu
Hi, would you be interested in later raid times? We raid from 10 pm till midnight 2 or 3 times per week (days are shifting since we have some ppl working shifts ;)). Our current progress is 5/8 HC.

hi buddy thanks for dropping by, 10pm server time is like 12 mid night our local so sadly no it wont suit at all, we both work. However good luck with filling your roster and getting Mythic down.
29/10/2018 14:55Posted by Renatalion
Hello bois!
I am Renatalion, officer of Burnout. We're currently at 2/8 mythic and looking for more dedicated and reliable people. We're raiding a little later than what you're looking for but hit me up if you want more info ! We're raiding from 21.30 till 00.30 Mondays, Thursdays and sundays.
Aiming to be 8/8 rather soon. But we have some people to replace in order to make that happen. i'll hear from you :)
Master Renatalion, thanks for dropping by, if 21:30 is your server time then no, its around 11:00pm local time here so its too late...

anything around 8pm server time is good
Hello Deadsol and Deathsol (that won't be confusing at all),

Maybe joining Unfortunate Chaos could work out for you guys, we're starting raiding at 19:45 going to 23:00 server time so the time were we stop raiding could be an issue for you guys?
Anyway we're raiding wednesdays and sundays at 8/8 hc and 2/8 mythic progression. Also have casual drunk raids aswell.

Your free to drop by our discord channel for some chat or ingame ofc.

Best regards
29/10/2018 15:48Posted by Varenis
Hello Deadsol and Deathsol (that won't be confusing at all),

Maybe joining Unfortunate Chaos could work out for you guys, we're starting raiding at 19:45 going to 23:00 server time so the time were we stop raiding could be an issue for you guys?
Anyway we're raiding wednesdays and sundays at 8/8 hc and 2/8 mythic progression. Also have casual drunk raids aswell.

Your free to drop by our discord channel for some chat or ingame ofc.

Best regards

Ill drop by Discord
Hello Deadsol and Deathsol!

I'm a member of the guild <League of Dusk> currently 8/8 hc and we are looking for more dedicated and reliable people to join our team in order to start progressing through Mythic. We raid Wed/Sun and Mon 20:30 to 23:00 ST. Hit me up in game or add me on Bnet Archlordx#2805 if u are interested or have more questions :)
Hey guys and gals , <DafuqisgoingON> looking for same-minded players with mythic ambition we are looking for cutting edge, also we just created the guild 5 days ago after our GM and couple of members lost interest in game, our exp is (8/8 h 2/8 m) and atm we are recruiting dedicated loyal players to join our ranks.
our raid days and time:
18:30 - 22:00 ST Wed / sun, ALL CLASSES AND ROLES ARE CONSIDERED (if you are a fast learner and take constructive criticism with an open heart).

Contact us for more info: Maximoss#2481 - Mesao#2956 - Xdanger#2191
Thanks much appreciated :)

Hiya, I don’t know if you have managed to find somewhere yet but we have both a progression HC / M raiding team (Raids Mon and Wed 19.45-23.00) and a casual N/HC raiding team (Tues and Thurs from 20.00-23.00) game times. We are 21+ and have been an established and active raiding guild since 2007 :slight_smile:
Asta#2730 if you fancy a chat

Greetings great heroes of Azeroth

My name is Repruer, friends call me Rep, and i’m the head of ⋆ ReaperCrew ⋆

ReaperCrew’s recruitment is open - looking for dedicated raiders , who are competent in raid, and focus on pushing their characters both inside and outside of raid.

Raiding Times :

Tuesday: 7:30 PM - 10:30 PM - progression raids
Thursday: 7:30 PM - 10:30 PM - progression raids

Be a decent human being and have fun with the people you play with. We want members who want to be with us for a long time. If you are interested in joining a multi-culture family and wish to enjoy the game in a new home, please add JohnnyofRC#2216 on battlenet.

Hi there!
Lets have a talk! You can add me on Bnet: Kopertje#2200
With kind regrads,

Why Annex?
Annex is a fresh guild started with a lot of motivation for this current tier and the ones that will follow. With a active roster already we are ready to progress further and start pushing those high keys.
We respect players for playing there class and expect that they will get the full most out of that character.
If people need help with there character we are willing to help them.

Our goal for every tier is to progress through Normal, then Heroic (AOTC) and if there is time kill a few bosses on Mythic before the tier is over.
We are a casual Heroic raiding guild. We don’t want to pressure people about joining Mythic kills.

We think Annex is unique and worth joining because we have a transparent and open way of thinking. We post our Officer meetings online for everyone to read so everyone can discuss it with Officers. This way everyone can have a saying in a way that will form and shape Annex.

Our Raiding Environment
We care about progressing with a relaxing and fun atmosphere. This means that we will joke around (maybe a bit to much sometimes) but when its needed we are focused to get that kill. We expect people to bring at least enough flasks and food to a raid night.

Other Events

Our Alt runs
Once every 2 weeks we do an alt run in a fun way. We call it the “The Annex Alt Run Drinking Game”, during this run we have a list of rules thats based on a mistake of some sort and you have to drink. The rules can be found on our website: annex-guild[.]com/drinking

M+ Run Race
The concept is quite simple, multiple of the same keys, multiple groups and the winner gets a prize.

Raiding Days

Wednesday 19:00 - 22:00
Sunday 19:00 - 22:00

The alt run will be most of the time held on a Friday.
Other events will be planned and be put on the calendar.

Currently Recruiting!

Currently we are in need of the following:

  • DPS, to fill the last spots of our roster.
    • You get extra points if you have Tank/Healer offspec.

How to contact us for more information or about joining us.

Our BattleTags:

Our website: annex-guild[.]com
Our Raider[.]IO Profile: raider[.]io/guilds/eu/silvermoon/Annex
Our Discord: discord.gg/5dGXjWz