LF weekend or late night guild( after 23 ST) [H/A]

Hello, i am looking for a late night guild that raids after 23:00 ST or in the weekends, due to work these are the only times i got time to raid, i have a Geared DH and Feral/Bommie/Guardian druid, but i am willing to play any class/role expect healing, and i will be willing to gear up almost any class for the upcoming patch, i don’t need to raid Mythic, but also wont mind it, but i want to clear atleast Heroic. I am willing to faction and server change.

Chanden#21213 for a chat

Hi there Blightfist!

GLHF is an Alliance heroic weekend raiding guild on Lightbringer, EU that raids every Weekend Saturday and Sunday 20.00 to 23.00 (Right now we clear Heroic in one night)! Currently we are only looking for Ranged DPS. I won’t repeat myself too much, just have a look at our recruitment post as most of our info is there.

And if you end up being interested and/or if it fits your times, then feel free to leave an application on the website - but if you have any questions feel free to add me on Discord or Battlenet included in the recruitment post.

Edgymyth aka. Tsumiki or Myth.

Hello, Nocturnal Supremacy here.

We are a very late night guild based on Twisting Nether [H] and have been actively pushing for Cutting edge every raid tier. We are currently recruiting more range DPS to further our current progress of 5/8 Mythic.

Our Goal
To achieve Cutting Edge on all upcoming raids in a reasonable amount of time.

Raid Schedule
Monday 1:00-4:00 AM server time.
Tuesday 1:00-4:00 AM server time.
Thursday 1:00-4:00 AM server time.
(Monday would mean Sunday evening)

If you are interested , hit me up at (Karnage#2229) or feel free to contact any of the following people (Shemzy#2465 ) / (Brucie#21939)