[LFG] Player looking for active EU guild

Hi everyone. I’m someone who has played WoW off and on for a couple of years. I would love to play WoW more actively, but I’m missing the social aspect of the game. This is the reason that I’m looking for an active social guild that is open to relatively inexperienced players. I would love to find a group of people that I can level new characters with, talk to on DIscord, and someday do my first raid with.

My current main characters are:
Name: Aúrora
Faction: Alliance
Race: Night elf
Class: Balance Druid
Server: Argent Dawn
Level: 120

Name: Aurélia
Faction: Horde
Race: Pandaren
Class: Beast Mastery Hunter
Server: Tarren Mill
Level: 120

*though I have started leveling some new characters.

Game mechanics I’m interested in:

About me:
Age: 29
Gender: Female
Country: Netherlands.

Hi there! Welcome back to the game.

I’d like to show you our new guild Casually Dedicated on Magtheridon Horde. We are primarily a social guild who will raid casually. We’re new and steadily growing, so we aren’t raiding already. A number of our players have taken advantage of the current XP buff and are rerolling instead of trasnfering. Something we are perfectly fine with.

Here is a link to our forum thread with more indepth information: [H] Casually Dedicated - Social Raiding Guild Recruiting For Shadowlands! - #8 by Vyaen-magtheridon

You can find my contact details at the bottom. Feel free to add me if you have any questions, our post in our forum thread.

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Hey there, please add me :slight_smile:


I’m sensing a theme with those names… :stuck_out_tongue:

Hiya I’m Desi, did you have a preference on Horde or Allliance? Or did you not have a preference? As you can tell from that gorgeous cow in the portrait, I’m from a Horde guild, Strange Loop (Draenor).

We welcome anybody that thinks we’re a good fit, but we started out a year ago as a reroll guild for new/returning players. So inexperienced players are completely welcome!
Quite a few of our members have been levelling alts ready for SL, we’re a chatty bunch on discord and we raid weekends 21-23ST so when you’re feeling ready and prepared for it, we’d have a spot. Can always M+ with us in the meanwhile :blush:

If that sounds good to you or you got any questions for me, let me know! You can message me on bnet, I’m Desiderata#2592 :smile:

Hello Amethyst!

Welcome back to the game, hope you’ll have a blast like I do :slight_smile:

This gorgeous cow above me seem to have an amazing place, but can’t help but challenge you, in case if you want to, to start fresh with a guild from the start.

In case it sparks your interest, give me a wisp at Dostoievski#4111 discord.

Wishes of great adventures,
Dostoievski, Innkeeper of “Sneezing Bear Inn” on silvermoon.

Hiya! I’m in a similar situation (shockingly so…) and was wondering if you found a new home?

I currently have my alliance stalled on Argent Dawn, am leveling a fresh horde on Tarren Mill, and looking for a social/casual guild as a returning player.

Did you end up on Magtheridon afterall? And if so how are you enjoying it?

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Hi and welcome back. L E G I O N on Silvermoon is an active social guild. We currently do Mythic + dungeons and would like to begin raiding in the near future. Many of our members are returning. I invite you to have a peak at our guild add below…

Cheers :slight_smile: