LFG! - Returning player would love to get into Mythic (Heroic works too!) raiding in a friendly environment!

Hi there! I’ve recently returned to WoW and would love to get into Mythic raiding, as I do love a challenge. I’d definitely love to find a guild or raid team that is friendly, relaxed, fun and helpful to each other I could call home!

Preferably melee/caster dps and possibly healer. Interested in learning tanking so I’m up for that too!

All weekdays + Sundays, never Saturdays.

Most of my recent raiding experience comes from FFXIV (all Shadowbringers Savage Eden raids released so far cleared, all Extreme trials cleared) and Guild Wars 2 (all raids + Mursaat Overseer challenge mote), however I did clear Antorus Heroic when I played a bit in Legion. While my recent raiding experience is a bit “spread” when it comes to titles, I personally think it helps me get perspective and experience in general. I’ve raided in other titles like Rift or The Secret World as well but after giving many games a proper go at raiding, WoW is still where I feel most comfortable and get the most enjoyment from when it comes to endgame PVE.

I do tend to stream a lot so if a guild were to recruit me then I hope it’d be okay for me to still do this.

My name is Pete, I’m a 26 year old gay guy from Norway that loves making friends and having a good time playing games together. Outside of video games I enjoy reading books, drawing, playing D&D (that’s why Saturday isn’t available!) and just having a good chat with people!

I didn’t include a server as I can easily make a character on whichever server and level up quickly. Hopefully I could get some help gearing up once I hit 120, but generally I should be raid ready in a very short amount of time in whichever role/class we’ve discussed could be a good fit for me and for the team if possible. I’d love to be as helpful as possible for the overall team.

If you think I could be a good fit for your team, please add me on Discord (Ahnket#4199) / Battlenet (Ahnket#2905) so we could have a chat about stuff!

Thank you so much for reading!

Edit1: Displaying my Night Elf Warrior on Argent Dawn as character as this is the character I’m currently leveling, however do note I don’t mind making a new character on a different server!

Check us out mate :slight_smile: [A] 2 Day Mythic Guild: Natural Competition Recruiting For Shadowlands

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