[LFM] [DRAENOR] [H+A] Reformed Horde needs you for mythic!

Reformed Horde is a friendly AOTC Raiding guild looking to recruit a number of players to fill out our community. We aim to progress well while keeping things fun. This means we will never chase meta or implement loot council. Considering the success we have had with our new recruits we are looking to move to mythic from next week. Our goal will be to progress mythic in the same way we have HC, casually and keeping things fun.

But this means we need you! We are looking to expand our roster of 14 to 20+.

We realise that life gets in the way and there is no expectation that people should make every raid. This means that availability heavily dictates how regularly we can prog mythic. It may be the case that we prog mythic Thursdays and then run alt raids or keys on Sundays.

We are looking for like-minded players who are able to raid with us 8-11 server time Thursdays and Sundays and if desired join for keys, alt runs and other games outside of raid times!

We currently have space for a healer and multiple DPS.

If this sounds good to you reach out on discord @Gristeh

Hi, I’ve sent you a friends request on Discord. If you’re still looking for a tank, let me know :slight_smile:

Thanks for reaching out! Look forward to speaking to you!

We are still looking for DPS to help us achieve curve which is just around the corner now that we are 8/9 HC. We have already made some great additions to our community!

We still need multiple DPS! Considering the success we have had with our new members we are looking to continue with our fun, mess about and find out philosophy into mythic raiding. Join us before it is too late and we accidentally achieve cutting edge without you!

Hey, im a returning player to wow, i can play brewmaster monk or resto druid. I am interested in joining would be fun to do raiding again, my discord is Fluffble#7345 if you want me :slight_smile: