Limited PvP -> PvE Free Character Transfers

This just prove that they have zero respect for their PAYING customers. Nothing has been said, its a joke, really sad.


jesus… at least say when you let us do these transfers. i wasted entire friday for checking and nothing. please respect our time


Just cancelled my 2 accounts’ subs tonight and I’m sad that I still have 2 months time. Wasted my money and time again with this company.

Should have known better, when it’s Blizzard never hop the hype train.


no response to masses of complaints from Blizzard… Unbelievable. At least give us current information about planned steps or ideas. #savetheguilds



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Hey everyone, there will not be any additional transfers opening up this weekend. We’re giving these moves time to bake and seeing how populations settle before making more decisions on Monday.

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Thats just sick… have you read the posts in this thread?
Can you not see that people are left behind because of your idiotic transfer times?


Just merge Chaos Bolt EU with any larger PvP realm. Is it really that difficult? If there are collisions with nicknames, just let people choose new names and we’re all good.

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Its alright guys, its friday 18:00 in california they call it day and dont care about us on there weekend i mean why should they lol


By the way, there are currently more SoD players than WoTLK ones. Could you start treating us with at least minimal respect? We really pay for it without tokens


really hope that also means you can stop whining on the forums too

Why do you keep putting posts up in the middle of the night? People have families, jobs, lives they’re not checking the forums at 2 am. Do you really care this little about your customers?

Most unprofessional communication ever. Lets just split guild because if you have post from your alt ongoing for 1 hour you cannot push the button and then announce that you can do gardenning on weekend nevertheless if you have raid planned. RIP SOD Chaos Bolt EU - How should I find a pug there just tell me. Only thing I can do in SOD is raiding and you take it away from me. GG

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this must be a joke…
the only thing I care about is a raid once a week with my guild.
We are all splitted between Crusader Strike and Wild Growth…
Please open up for alliance again thanks…

They treat wotlk players even worse. Since tbc been stuck on dead faction with 10 chars. They just say pay 200€ to transfer them to play the game. I already pay them monthly, its their responsibility to provide a multiplayer experience

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how do you even come to this decision lol


I don’t think (or I hope, Blizzard could not be that low) it was the goal, but on Monday they will say that “they listened” and they will open the paid transfer. One thing is sure, if that is the case, I’m not giving a cent to them anymore and I can encourage you the same.

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This clearly shows how ignorant they are.


What a pathetic and lazy response.

Anyone who logged onto chaos bolt EU for ten seconds can see you have completely ruined the server.

And now those who didnt know to wake up at 4am with no advance warning, are unable to transfer off and join their friends.

What a complete and utter joke.

Cancelled both my accounts. F blizzard and this lazy, anti customer nonsense.

Reall scummy.


Please tell your guild members and friends to comment here.

Lets blow up this Topic together, so that Blizzard has something to work on on Monday.
