Limited PvP -> PvE Free Character Transfers

I think its time to realise that the forced pvp balance just doesn’t work. Eventually, people will always want to go to somewhere where they’re more comfortable and not have to deal with bs constantly. this is how the one-sided realms come to be because of constantly having to put up with bs and forcing this dilemma of “oh I can’t make a character on this faction because this faction has its time to shine for new players” is just unrewarding of someone’s personal choices. Trying to maintain this 50/50 on pvp realms by locking transfers should show how bad it is to play on alliance when there are horde gank squads at every corner, an undead rogue rotting in his basement locking in on a certain road, a 5 stack of shamans and priests going into BGs exclusively to stomp, there’s no counterplay because the mindset and dedication has changed since 2019’s rerelease that anyone who takes the game way too seriously pick horde 100%.

I think its safe to say I don’t want to be on this terrible realm anymore. I don’t want to be forced to camp all day at 60 hoping I can maintain a WCB by layer hopping and praying a priest or shaman dispels me, I don’t want to deal with gank squads outside MC. Respect the player’s choices and let us continue to transfer off and turn off this terrible 50/50 balance system, it didn’t work in the long run, it was only fun for phase 1 and 2 then just dies off when classes get insanely powerful.

and by the way Dolice, your elitism is getting the better of you and trying to reason won’t work, people are upset and there’s nothing more you can do to dissuade people from wanting better treatment.