Limited PvP -> PvE Free Character Transfers

Great to get some info, I wish you a lovely weekend. Oh, one last thing before you go, do you mind buffing Warriors? There are so few people on my server, I can’t find a raid for it, so I guess you want me to solo Sunken Temple, but I have a little hard time getting past the first mob.

#ChaosBolt #saveTheGuilds


So i must start using Twitter when i want to play WoW without stupidious suprises ?!

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Well, I cant understand how you take your decisions? What do you think will happen?
Thx for ruining the already low populated server.


The respond from blizzard was a copy msg from NA servers. They legit don’t read the forum at all, i’ll sacifice both my balls if they did.


Now our guild split on two realm. Great Job…


Completley destroying Chaos Bolt… so let down by this Blizzard. Once this is over you HAVE to merge us with another PvP realm. Cus we are living a ghosttown now


Im so glad i managed to transfer my alliance chars of crusader strike to wild growth. I feel super bad for the people left behind. They should have never allowed this though, servers are messed up now and guilds/friend groups are broken up.

I cant think of a system that would have been better though.

nobody is forcing you to use twitter, but if you want to be notified of when the next transfer is then you need to setup blue post alerts or twitter alerts in order to be notified when they are live, far better that refreshing the forum every hour for 27 hours straight like one guy on here did

I can’t believe it… is that supposed to be it? A meaningless statement before the weekend? Typical blizzard! Don’t give a sh*t about your customers.

I hope you think of something good on your “well-deserved weekend”. LUL


I hope you think of something good on your “well-deserved weekend”. LUL

isn’t blizzard’s fault your lazy and missed 3 chances alliance got and 4 for horde

Says the nolifer

Go home, you troll. 3 or 4 chances, and when? In the middle of the night, and all without really good communication. I can understand people’s frustration well, and they are right in their arguments.


nothing no lifer about getting the next transfer alarm sent to your phone

so what? wake up when you get the notification sent to your phone when the transfer is live and then go back to bed, shouldn’t take more than 5 mins but your obviously too lazy to either wake up or setup alerts on your phone or both

go back to your cave troll! #savetheguilds


Ignore Dolice guys, they are the living representation of what happens to a person whos never had a friend or ever found another person who can stand to be around them.

Real tragic really.


This really exposes what a bunch of incompetent amateurs are behind this ordeal. Either that or you’re all deliberately trolling EU players.


yea because me giving solutions to peoples problem sure is trolling, you sure got me, I must be trolling so hard my suggestions actually help people find a solution

Setting an alarm to get up in the middle of the night, is not a solution to a family dad/mom with a job. Its stupidity at highest level. Never should such actions be necessary. If you cant see the logic behind those statements, you are simply choosing to be a troll.

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you cant wake for 5 minutes and transfer your chars over? what do you do if your baby cries in the middle of the night? do you just turn off the baby monitor and ignore it?
you must be an awful parent