Limited time rewards are not a flex

Nah the only babbling is for you that can’t accept that someone else can have something and you don’t.
As i said in a previous answer, should we pretend also that blizz add a legendary shield since so far in the whole game there hasn’t been one?

Nope. Different isn’t unfair.

Also you don’t to call it off topic when you do the same every 2nd post here.


another " i don’t care response, if you don’t care then that’s not a reason why they shouldn’t return them
also if you think it’s your problem for joining the game whenever you did then idk what to tell you friend

Limited time events are prestige. So its a flex.

If they werent for limited time only, then the items/mount would worn the same as any other gear/mount in the game. Nothing.

You’re wired wrong mate…

This… The majority of people, luckily, belong to this category… I’m sure there’s a minority of contrarians out there that will deny themselves a cool tmog because “it’s too popular”. Maybe you’re one of them? Majority of players are not… And the proof is that nearly nobody tmoged their artifact weapon when legion was live… All the paladins were happy to have Ashbringer. All the dks were happy wielding frostmourne jr etc.

Look around now! How many players still tmog into Artifact Weapons? The majority of people. The more variety we got in them, the better. They were, thematically speaking, the best weapon designs blizzard ever made. Having more of them won’t devalue anything, it will just make the player base happier. And if you think there’s something wrong with that, or you think player are “being entitled” because they want something really cool, then we’ll simply have to agree to disagree. Maybe one day they’ll add them, you’ll moody, but a lot more people will be happy!

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You had that “I don’t care” attitude in a first place and you reap what you sow. If you don’t care about someone played the game in X expansion neither do I care if you didn’t. Simple logic. On the other hand clearly company doesn’t agree with your opinion.

Yes it is my problem when I joined the game. How can I blame anyone for being late? You clearly have an issues of understanding obvious things.
In the end you can cry and moan as much as you want, fact is that you won’t get something which was established as limited time reward.

Ha I mean I know this is a blue post and all, but like how many times has blizzard justified something completely dumb, only to to fix it in the next patch? IE ALL OF 9.1.5 :woozy_face: :woozy_face:

Remember when mounts were extremely expensive in vanilla?! Remember how when they announced they will be getting cheaper blizz was all like “uuuh no because we’re smart and you’re dumb and some no lifers will be annoyed” then went ahead and did it, the overwhelming majority was happy, and a few super intense gold farmers got annoyed but nobody cared, because the game was better?


Doesn’t have to be indeed. But it can be.
In this case, I believe that it is unfair.

It’s not. Otherwise we should say it’s unfair there is yet another legendary bow for hunter and still no legendary shield for tanks.
Or the fact that i busted my butt to get keystone master in bfa to get my reward mount and the same model was given out as a drop in that joke of a vision.
Or a thousand other occurrence were some class get something more than others.
Should we make a fuss for each of this? If so i don’t think there will be any playtime left, we will always be stuck in the forum complaining.

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Its not flex its uber flex. So not bring limited rewards back. BuT BeAr Is BaCk - Well too bad, it happened but it doesnt mean that rest of them should be back too, idc if thats unfair or not.

It’s a flex because it represents a big challenge at the time. Re-introducing it just diminishes the hard work put in.

i swear some people will be happy only when all classes and races will do the exact same things, and all characters will be nondescript squares of the same color.


It is.

So what do we do now?
Agree to disagree?

i like they are bringing back the skin honestly…

i still most likely wont get it cause i wont be playing.

No, you should back your own claim by opening a discussion in which you pretend blizzard give equal treatment for every spec and pretend they add everything was given to a specific ones alone.
Like a couple of legendary shields as hunter had 2 legendary bows.
Or party bonuses for each class otherwise some will always be privileged and it’s unfair.
Or reintroduce the timed event that gave the amani war bear, i missed it so it’s unfair.

Please, do, i’m waiting to see if behind your words there is a valid claim, or you’re it’s just a child screaming “i want a pony and i want it now”.


But buying T3 is not deminishing those who completed Naxx40 when it was current? Noted.

You stopped making sense here, stop.

This is a pretty common practice from other games, mostly in mobile games and korean mmos where they put stuff into lootboxes and make it limited avaibility to force people to spend a lot of money on it because it will be removed later.
Of course those people who fell for that will defend it because they spend time and effort for the “exclusivity” of worthless pixels. Their argument is that it was difficult and can’t be replicated because of different expansion with different abilities which is completely wrong.
You can always make old challenge modes adjustable and difficult, even more difficult than before. And no, leveling to 110 in 3 days, getting charity Argus and LFR antorus gear that is way above what mage tower demanded is not a challenge and is not an effort.
I have all mage tower appearances I need and I dont care others getting them aswell. This is nothing special.

And for old PvP rewards here is suggestion, after getting glad mount you can earn PvP token for every next 50 wins above 2.4k rating that you can trade for old pvp enchants or elite sets. Problem solved.

the lesson to be learned here … is learning that … “EXCLUSIVES” means absolutely nothing to blizzard.

so why waste your time to get them. if they will only comeback later…

you have to agree that it kind of removes the whole point of spending the time to get them in the first place.

i can only hope players will learn from this and not take blizzards word when they mention exclusives anymore.

they bend over for the vocal few again and put a yet another massive knife in their own back and magically dug themselves yet ANOTHER grave.

True, no legendary melee mace or axe for my enha shaman aswell. I demand justice!