Logging into game server then disconnect(wow51900123)

Same here. Second day in a row.

Same here, how Illidan earlier said to blizzard (not us): YOU ARE NOT PREPARED !!!

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How many times do I have to wait in queue to be disconnected after login??? This issue is here since yesterday and you cant even fix it…

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Amazing how estimated time is always < 1min while actual time …

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Same here, hoping to see some blue explaining and givin and ETA

same unbelievable problem… sitting in queue for few minutes just to be DCed right after log in try

yes cannot log as well - queue is over and instant disconnect

Guys, give Blizzard a break. It’s a small indie company.


No news on twitter just the announcement they are looking into it… aparently this was fixed 8 hours ago.
We all pay for this and a lot of us can’t even log on. What is going to happen when shadowlands launches?
When can we expect refunds or some compensation?

Absolut disgrace…



same here…

I have a feeling nobody from blizzard is reading the forums.


I have the same feeling

+1 This is bad. Period. No excuses.

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It’s not Blizzard anymore, it’s activision, so yeah, they really can be that greedy.


same here :frowning:

same here… queue into dc into requeue into dc…
Imagine how the launch will be…

Just a shame for a paying service… it’s ridiculous

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Login Severs are Full of …, can I say the word?

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im tempted to complain to get some money back for this…cause its just getting worse and worse and its so annyoing

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Use that sub money to buy some hamster food pls.

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