Logging into game server then disconnect(wow51900123)

Same here.

What else can you expect from a small indie company? :rofl:

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This is what you get when your servers are managed by goblins.

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Yes i have same issue :frowning: All the time! I thought its just the region problem but i have the same on both :frowning:

same here.

bad servers … queue and dc then again queue and dc … taking money for everything and at least u make a good servers

How can there be a queue when nobody can’t logg in???


I’m so glad I didn’t renew my subscribtion before trying to check with a free account… this is a joke. And whenever this happened people never got any compensation, while they’re still paying monthly for this crap.

And where are the blizzard game masters? Does anyone solving this issue?

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Same here.

Tried 4 times to loggin with 4 times 10 minute waiting…nothing…

Sat in a 6 minute queue for 15 minutes. Get disconnected. Instantly reload game, “6” minute queue again.

If I performed this badly in my job I’d be fired. But hey ho blame the rona or something as per. Amateurs

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That sucks! :frowning:


fluffy motherflowers? :smiley:


did a traceroute this morning, and the I.P. thats just before the connection fails on one of the hops is a blizzard I.P. address, so its definitely a connection error on thier end, if they try to blame a backbone company just remember the I.P. traces to an I.P. owned by blizzard

Tracing route to over a maximum of 30 hops

1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms SkyRouter.Home []
2 * 5 ms * 97e7fe26.skybroadband.com [xxx.xxx.xx.xxx]
3 12 ms 12 ms 11 ms be439.pr3.enlba.isp.sky.com []
4 12 ms 11 ms 11 ms 02780d4d.bb.sky.com []
5 32 ms 17 ms 17 ms ae1-br01-eqld5.as57976.net []
6 * * * Request timed out.
7 19 ms 19 ms *
8 17 ms 17 ms *
9 18 ms 17 ms 17 ms

Trace complete.


Started to play after 2 years break and I see they are investigating the login issue still. Nothing changed. Investigating … still … :slight_smile:


Just for info - same issue for Russians… :sleepy:

Well, you know … better servers with bigger capacity is something they can not afford I guess …

Just as i mentioned in a different post, a refund of the missed game time would be in order, like they did way in the past.
Its just unacceptable to charge for a service which a part of players cant use. Thats just a disgrace how bad they are managing patch days over and over again.


Most stupid thing, after DC queue is bigger and bigger :sweat_smile::sob:


And again…

5 times…position 780…