LOL those changes

I am 2.4 xp in last 3 seasons of shuffle.
i am 2.8 in blitz
2.370 xp in 2 seasons of shadowlands in 10v10 while leading my own team.
2.4 xp in 2v2 prepatch of SL + last season of SL.
I dont like 3s, i dont have a team, nor the time to form one, i also live with 2 roommates so i cant use voice.
I play retail since end of BFA btw.

Ive said it many times- i dont need to be a chief to go to a restaurant and be absolutely right in saying my soup has too much salt in it.

I hide my chars because i hate this baseless argument.
You can use it in some contexts but you guys really relly too much on it.
On the other hand my point is objectively correct so theres 0 reason for me to even bring rating into this though - this is my xp. I cather around 2.2 - 2.4 each season.

No pressure feral is a feral who needs to use defensives.
Nerfing feral should make you think what feral will do with 3 min cd on wall, no immunities, no way of kyting a good portion of the classes.
And to those who bring Bear Form up everytime - Majority of the abilities ignore armor, bleeds and dots too. On top of that- bear armor is in comparison to a platr class is of the same amount.
All of ferals defensive self healing is nerfed and is also affected by Dampening.
For comparisson rogues Crimson Vial heals more than druids bear form on a shorter CD.
They also keep adding abilities that add 60% slows and are not removable by shapeshifting and another thing about that is that feral has 1 single gap closer as comparison - every other non spellblade melee spec has 2 to 3 +.
Now to do this claim to I need to be a gladiator in order for it to be truthful ?
I personally do not think so.


Except for this one, and 2.4 is absolutely nothing in Solo Shuffle.

Different game to arena. I get 1800 players in my 3.3k mmr lobby, it’s the biggest clown show in the history of the game.

Different to arena, and again, nothing special.

  1. You don’t need voice to get to a decent rating in 3s
  2. You don’t need to ‘form a team’ to get a decent rating in 3s.
  3. If you don’t like 3s, or play 3s, why are you talking about arenas?

Because your enjoyment of food is a personal, subjective preference. Saying a specialisation is very strong or very weak isn’t a personal preference, it’s a conclusion which is drawn from facts. What a horrific analogy.

You mean credibility?

Not really. You play a specialisation which is factually an incredible performer in a bracket, which you then say you don’t even play, and then claim nothing about it is broken. It’s peak bias.

On what grounds? You don’t even play the bracket where people say it’s broken, so what on Earth do you know?

I love how you Ferals act like a 3 min cd wall is all you have, when you have multiple defensives and multiple healing increased modifiers, or did you not get as far as reading your talent tree yet?

‘This class is stronger in this department and my spec has this weakness so it’s not broken!!!’

What a pitiful argument.

Update: Feral is the most represented spec in the entire game above 2400 in EU 3v3 with 56 characters. The second most represented is BM with 38. Most represented spec in the entire game above 2400 in EU 2v2, most represented spec in the entire game above 2200 in EU 2v2,

Not broken btw.


I really dont care what your bias is. Logically you carry no weight and thats all that matters.
Google “Logical Fallacies” for more.
Thank you very much.

As I said i had 2.3 in a normal rated bg 10v10 years before blitz.
Where i had to form my own teams because nobody wanted a feral, people wanted a druid to be either resto or boomie or tank.

You’re aware that nerfs are applies across all brackets in PvP right?
Why shouldnt it matter?

Yeah sorry nobody likes to play LinkedIn for hours before getting to play IG too.
And statistics also show this.

I play shuffle, im simply capped this season. Dont really have anything to gain from shuffle since im already 2.8 in blitz.
However if you want an answer to your question:
There are various reasons why people who dont play 3s might not like your 3s bias- one might be something i said earlier:
-Nerfs designed for 3s affect every bracket not just 3s.

By every metric, even by your own standards - i am correct, even with you strawpicking my analogy.

A truthful statement should work despite credibility.
And im telling you Feral doesnt do well except for the damage departament and even so its nothing special compared to other classes and specs
BUT at least there stuff you can do while most classes will just pop their immunities and then you cant even do anything.
So again- why is feral the problem here ?

Thats not what “bias” means.
I also used many arguments to it and all of them are objectively factual which is the oposite of “biased”.

Ok, lets work this argument backwards.
Do you have a feral druid ? you dont- then by your own logic and standard of principle you’re not supposed to speak right now.
What are we doing ?
Are we arguing for a solution or are we arguing because you want to bring me down just for the sake of bringing me down?

Ok lets see what I have:
3 min Survival Instincts - in comparison literal immunities are 2 min and bellow.
1 min Barkskin - affected by silence and interrupt. (kekw i gotta cast as a melee)
Bear form - same armor as any plate class + armor is bipassed by almost any spec naturally, bleeds also bypass it.
Frenzied Regen on 34 sec cd which requires 4 seconds(3 if you’re already in bear)to heal for 20% of your health. Adds a 20% healing modifier. Makes it 24% healing. This used to be 32% healing btw- it is nerfed. On top of that Dampening affects it. As a comparison- rogues heal for more with Crimson Vial and its on lower cooldown.
Luckily you got another button bloat - Heart of the wild which is on 5 min cd and gives you the chance to use it again.
Renweal - which honestly giga nice, doesnt get affected by dampening too, which is amazing, but doesnt get affected by healing boosting traits like Verdent Heart.
None of this is gamebreaking.
Feral is one of the classes that gets disadvantage the moment they enter the arena because most of their traits have to do with absorbtion and healing.

It is not.
People are just clueless on how to play against them.
Literally open any thread that complains about feral and you will notice people who made these threads dont know how to react to ferals.
Like dude sends a video with 2 rows of bleeds on him and how feral slams him with Incarnation while dude didnt even use trinket.


You are in an arena section. We are talking about current state of Feral Druid in arena. How do you think 10v10 RBG experience from ‘years’ ago is relevant whatsoever?

Because arena is a 3v3 and Blitz is an 8v8 with completely different objectives? Are you for real?

Statistics show what? That people don’t like playing LFG? Of course Sherlock, but that’s different to the point that you don’t NEED it to get any decent experience.

And we’re in an arena section. Talking about Ferals…in arena…where they are OP.

You aren’t correct at all. You are literally arguing with factual statistics which shows you play an excellent spec.

Damn it must be nice to be a spec that doesn’t do well in anything other than damage and to still outperform every single spec in the game in 2v2 and to be more represented than any DPS spec in the entire game at a rating you’ve never seen in your entire existence in 3v3. Everything else and everybody in the game must be REALLY bad!

Refuting statistics which categorically show your specialisation is an overperformer while barely playing the game in the brackets which show that is the literal definition of bias.

I don’t need to play a Feral Druid to look at statistics and draw the conclusion that it is an unbelievable spec.

And yet are the best 2v2 spec in the game, the best DPS spec (by a mile) at a rating you’ve never seen in your existence in 3v3, damn that’s some disadvantage that poor Ferals play at!

The serial Rival Feral telling R1s that they are clueless on how to play against Feral…in a bracket that they don’t even play themselves. Hilarious.

And every single Feral that is then defending it in spite of how much the statistics show that Feral is an S+ tier specialisation has never achieved anything of note in the game and constantly plays arena at a super low rating every single season. Interesting stuff!

You are arguing with literal statistics which shows that your spec is overpowered and needs to be tuned. All while by your own admission you don’t even play 3v3 and instead play an 8v8 bracket which is just objective based anyway. That is the level of intelligence I am working with her. Enjoy being low and bad on your S+ tier spec while every player that is astronomically better than you will always tell you that you have no idea what you’re talking about.

Oh, i see what you mean now. Like if you formed it like this from the start, it wouldve been much better.
Yes, you’re correct about that though i only havent played shuffle and 2s for just 1 season.

I understand that completely.
Do you not get what im saying ?
Nerfing feral just because 3v3 even if we assume its rightfully the approach (though i believe its not) will ruin feral for all other brackets too including 3v3.
Especially because the modern itteration of PvP will replace 3v3 entirely in a few seasons thats why 3v3 doesnt have so much value in reality, but people will live in the past for a few more seasons.

Dont care
Nerfing feral just because “muh 3v3” despite them not even being literally broken but simply strong.

You cant even read statistics and put them in the right context properly, fella.
Statistics automatically dont make up for anything unless you put the data together with the context you’re reading it.
In the current context you just say “people play too much feral, we must nurf”
Do you understand what Im saying or ?

Im not saying feral is doing bad.
Im saying that feral is not broken/overpowered.
I am saying that feral compared to whats currently in S and A tier is performing accordingly and not above and outside of the metrics of other classes and i said INFACT feral doesnt have any immunities to shield them from you reacting to their burst.
Thats what I said.
Also 2v2… is quite imbalanced I rather you return to your 3v3 bias than listen about 2v2.
Ofc theyre represented better in 2v2- imagine having to cast as a melee a 15 yard short cast, would you rather have 1 guy be able to interrupt you or more ?
Ferals pressure is strongly tied to Cyclone.

By your own principle- you must.
Also statistics out of context is like listening the “wage gap” argument over and over again.

Ah ,back to rating bashing- i never finished a season in the bracket im investing (and im only doing a bracket per season) bellow duelist. Serial Rival. Where do you get this from ?

Dude im not Tonymeow nor Snupy- im not making money by playing the game, i am solo player irl, i gotta work, eat, sleep, 90% of the playerbase is like me. But I am above average 2.2 + rating every season in whatever bracket i can affort to play during the season. Which is not “extremely”" low by any means quite the oposite I am completely qualified to have an opinion on the matter.
Using shaming and gasslighting tactics doesnt do you any good, friend.

And i saved the best for last:
Rating didnt reset once feral got nerfed at start of expansion.
Explaining why you got so many ferals above.
Thats why statistics can do so much to an argument.
They do not indicate these type of things.
We can make ferals do 10 damage with bleeds right now and 3 weeks from now the same amount of ferals are gonna be on top.

youtube .com/watch?v=xzpndHtdl9A


This is funny considering there are legit rival peak people who click spells and main tmog collecting in this game playing at 3k. (And i didnt make it up its legit)


Im only bringing this up because I got no reason to play 3s currently. Im finished for this season.
Also thats the reason why I brought up my Shadowlands Rated Bg (far before Blitz was a thing) which is 2.3k.

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??? Are you an actual troll? You are on an arena section of a forum. All posts are related to arenas, if they were not, they would be in their respective categories.

And? Overtuned, overperforming specialisations should be brought down in line. You seem to have major concerns over Blitz performance, a bracket which is an rng clownshow fiesta and is dependent on objective play and abusing broken mechanics. If you are reliant on your spec being overtuned to obtain your goals or to perform well, then maybe you don’t deserve to earn them?

If the best performing spec above 2400 in EU 3V3 by almost 50% of representation of the 2nd best performing spec, and the best performing spec in EU 2v2 is not ‘broken’ and is instead ‘simply strong’, then what does that mean for the other specs?

So what is the context for Feral? In EU 3v3 above 2400 it’s the most represented spec. Above 2400 in EU 2v2 it’s the most represented spec. Above 2200 in EU 2v2 it’s the most represented DPS spec. What context are you referring to which justifies that this spec is not an overperformer?

You would be unbelievably dumb to say it is, since it is one of the best performing specs in the game.

What makes something ‘broken/overpowered’ if being the best performer in multiple brackets at multiple rating thresholds isn’t indicative of that?

Again, how on Earth can you say this, when by your own admission, you don’t play 3v3?

No it isn’t. It hasn’t been tied to Cyclone since Dragonflight. Do you know ANYTHING about your spec?

So you don’t even play the bracket which I’m talking about so you have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about. How can you say it isn’t broken if you don’t even play it? Like hello? Brain?

if an change based on arenas changes the game outside of the arena, we are no longer discussing arenas alone.
How does this concept elude you?

I dont, i enjoy all types of world pvp, battlegrounds and shuffle too.
And to come back to you- you seem concerned about your dying bracket that nobody wants to play (3s) even with all the rewards tied to it.
Theres nothing overperforming about feral.
We discussed this already.
Feel free to disagree but repeating it wont change my mind.

yes. sorry you feel this way.

Good, you know what? I hope it stays that way.
Feral has been neglected for a long time from the start of the game far until Wrath and Cata after which it derailed again.
But its not broken.

For me broken is something like Rogues and Hunters who simply do not die while dishing out insane amount of numbers along with having everything there is to be had in their toolkit with no downsides.
Feral doesnt excel in anything besides bleed damage. Its squishy, Button bloated, has bugs for years too, for every button a class presses with full effectiveness - feral has to press 2 and hope that its enough to reach the effectiveness, spec is extremely clunky.
Offhealing is nothing spectacular either.
I am repeating myself but aside from damage theres nothing feral can offer.

Dude, your tone is starting to annoy me. We both know im a pretty good druid and what I say is not further from the truth.

Im repeating myself but if a change to 3v3 brings changes across the bracket we’re not speaking sololy of just 3v3.
Chill out.


Welcome to PvP. Ferals are OP in arena, they should be nerfed. If those nerfs will substantially affectyou in other areas of PvP, then you did not deserve to be at that rating in the first place. Kind of a simple concept, how does it elude you?

Meanwhile you’re sat in an arena section, an area of the game which you don’t even play? Why are you here?

Your inability to look at factual statistics is very concerning.

‘Feel this way’? It’s a factual truth, here, since you’re lost:

Now tell me, if this isn’t indicative of a specialisation being too strong, what is your suggestion for the other specs that it is doing better than? Buff them all?

Feral was one of the best performing specs throughout Dragonflight with multiple S+ tier compositions. It hasn’t been ‘neglected’ for a very long time.

You’re not good in any bracket in the game. You have no idea what you’re talking about. You have absolutely nothing on your entire account which constitutes being a good player. If you genuinely believe that Feral Druid pressure in TWW is tied to Cyclone then that genuinely sums everything up.

So what? Overtuned specs should be nerfed. Are you afraid you’ll drop rating if you get nerfed? If you’re a ‘pretty good Druid’, reasonable changes shouldn’t be substantially detrimental?

yawn im losing faith in your tone. I think you should touch grass.
have a good night.
Also nerfs dont affect statistics since people will just sit at their previous rating and just chill.
The same way how season 1 of shadowlands rogues got a massive nerf and statistics didnt chance since rogues just logged out since they were done with the grind while they were buffed and now that they’re nerfed they dont wonna risk their rating.
So again.
Chillout, you relly too much on a data that can be manipulated via change of context.


Okay so tell me what context changed which invalidates the current performance of Feral?

Above 2400 in EU 3v3 Feral is outperforming the second most represented DPS spec by almost 50%, so what’s the context? Tell me. You keep saying your favourite buzzword of ‘context’ but haven’t provided a single piece. Do it now.

By which metric it is overperforming ?

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By position in the ladder. Can you stop making logic a hoe?

Please dont talk to me like that.
I said it multiple times looking at the ladder is not accurate representation of whats going on.
Feral was busted at the start of the expansion and progressively got nerfed, but people didnt move because they already got their rating from when feral was busted.

For example: I am currently 2.8 in blitz. if tomorrow they nerf mmr gains ill remain 2.8 and infact my rank will become higher because i wont be playing since im already done with my progression and i do other things.


You are well aware its Alessathrina right?
So the behavior hes doing is quite normal no?

Look who says it. Haha.

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I just did, didnt I?
Atleast I dont change my avatar and tried to hide because I didnt get invited to a guild.
Or actively lie about my spec for no reason when it takes 5 sec to look into it.

If theres one thing thats true in this forum.
Its very rare for you to be honest.

Nobody cares. Guys who’ve never been 2100 in their life in 3s are 3000 atm. I know few.

This one.

And this one.

And this one.

I’ll ask you for the umpteenth time, what context are you talking about?

Dunno who that is. There’s only a couple of these forum Ferals I remember and this guy isn’t one of them.