Lone Wolf looking for guild (A)

Hi. I’ve been a solo player for quite some time and I’m starting to want to see some of the content without depending on PUGs, so I’m looking for a fairly chill mature guild.

A little about me:
I’m in my 30s so usually online in the evening after work.
I have Dyspraxia so I struggle with key binds.
I’m not a vocal player. I can use Discord to listen but very rarely talk
I’m happy to change realm for the right guild
I haven’t raided since WOD so a noob friendly guild would be quite nice.
I’d rather not be in a large guild.

Any such guild out there?

Thanks for reading

hello there!
I run a social/Leveling guild called The Celestial Light. we are ideal for those with little time to play, or those wanting to enjoy the game at a more relaxed pace.
We are not a raiding guild so we don’t have any set days and times that you must attend. Members generally organise within guild chat if they wish to have a run somewhere, and those who want to join in are free to do so.
we do have a discord server and i like members to join it but again there is no pressure to use the voice channels. it is mostly so people can read the guild rules and explanations on how the ranks work and guild bank etc.
I don’t seem to be allowed to post a link to the discord so if you wish to add me and i can send you the link via private message. Araani Swift#0657

Hi Mendaros,

I’m Thorck, guildmaster of BEAST on Eonar.
Our guild is much like Ailurus’ guild, but we are twice as large in size.
That said we try to keep it feel small.

If you are interested to know more then you can find all information you need on [A][Eonar] <BEAST> seeks you! Do you have what it takes to..... make fun? Experience a fun time with great people in our guild!

Hi Mendaros.
Well we are a small guild set up for family members to learn WoW without the toxicity of some guilds and the bad language etc (My family ranged from 10-18 at the time). This was in 2009 so we’ve been on the go a long while.

We’ve picked up a few friends along the way, some of whom left while many dropped out because of RL pressures, babies and such.

My work sometimes mean I don’t play as often as I’d like (NHS) as a result I put no pressures on playing times. We are recently building up again with a couple of new players and returning ones, one after 4 years due to babies and divorce.

We are a friendly guild and I like to keep it that way with trying to find nice people no matter what their experience levels. We’ve never really done voice chat at all, back in the day our Dad forbade it and we’ve never really bothered with it. 11 years on we’ve managed ok.

If you feel like joining a small family where everyone knows everyone, we’d be glad to have you. We have about 7 active members and will be doing our first guild run for a year or two on Friday. I’d like us to progress to Mythic so we can have fun getting good gear and maybe raid together who knows. At the end of the day we all play how we want, including together, or even lone wolf as some of us enjoy that too, as well as guild stuff.

So if it sounds like your sort of guild feel free to drop a line. I’d like nice people to make us grow, though not TOO big.

Hi I added you on battletag

Hey! I just saw your post, maybe our guild will be something for you.
We are on Outland - Alliance. Iuncta Iuvant is a newly founded guild with experienced players. We are currently looking everyone to fill our ranks. We are going to organise raids, have Mythic + nights or just running Transmog runs. Our guild has as motto Together, We Strive and that’s what we live by. You can message me if interested. Looking forward to have you!

Best of luck to whoever recruits the original poster. I hope your guild is prepared for the extreme levels of toxicity and drama that they will bring.

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Considering you’ve never been in a guild with me this is quite frankly laughable

Thanks to those that replied. I’ve found a guild