Heya, I have the PERFECT guild for you.
It was all perfect, once. A flawless work beyond what mortal hands could ever create. It can be perfect again. We need only get it of what is gumming the gears of progress.
Not even the army’s finest minds can comprehend this. We have always looked to the future and ignored our history - well, they are fools. I posit to you that the optimal future for gnomish interests lies only in the daring synthesis between the work of the gnome and the design of our Grand Architect.
Assemblage, assemb…
They are also a part of a large community of like minded rpers, which often does events, pve, and tons of other stuff with eachother, called the PCU, you can find that thread here.
Sweetey/Pirrin you are a guy who spends unironically six hours a day relogging various alts (pretending to be seperate individuals) to send sad little whisper-snipes to people who aren’t invested in this weird RP guild community drama obsession. You probably think it’s super cool and sneaky to harrass random people - maybe it gives you some rush of power - but the reality is that your very distictive typing style are an even bigger give away than the state of your lust bars
I get why you’re wor…
Hope to catch you around friend.