Looking for a Guild (H)

Hey :slight_smile:

As the title suggests i’m currently trying to find a guild i can raid with on the horde.
I’ve been main alliance since pretty much late wrath and i’m wanting a change or scenery :thinking:
I’ve been looking over the forums here and i’m seeing RP guilds recruiting, i’m not a massive RPer, i do dabble but not by any means amazing at it, i’m simply looking to raid and hopefully find a guild i can have fun with and progress, i’m open to all and any class / spec / role as i’ve played them all.
Spent the majority of my time as a tank / healer but in legion began to dabble in ranged dps, which i do thoroughly enjoy so hopefully there’s a guild here that could facilitate me :slight_smile:

Thanks for reading my post, if youd like to message me at all, if i seem a good fit in your guild please add my battle.tag

Marathag #21975

Hello there!
I’m not a raider myself, but there is a good guild, Eminence, which does raid and seems to be a good bunch. :slight_smile:
Although i don’t know much about how they raid, but overall seem good to me.

Good luck!

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Thanks for that, ill be sure to try and check them out if i find them online :slight_smile:

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