Looking for a guild

Hi there
I’m looking for a new guild due to my current one will be realm and faction changing very soon .
I’m looking for a guild that is most importantly very active and like to use discord , not just on raid nights but when logged in doing the boring bits of wow as its good to chat :slight_smile: .
I’m on old player who will be hitting the big 50 this year but still enjoy playing wow most of the time , apart from when bumping into them toxic players who love to sit behind there monitor mouthing off all sorts of crap when in real life they would be the first to run away from a fight !. I have a great sense of humour which can be very warped at times but will just put that down to getting old :).
My main is a BM hunter IL 405 and my alt is a Destruction lock IL 400 . At the moment most of my raiding comes from pug groups due to work getting in the way and tend to be more active in the day time rather than late evenings but that not to say I wont help out if I’m available. I do enjoy raiding but at a more casual pace these days as I’m not into the elitist crap part of it anymore as I found that just removed to fun from the game. I’m very patient and am more than happy to wipe in raids as like I said I’m getting on a bit and still remember the days when we had to use lockouts in dungeons just to finish then due to wiping 20 plus times on bosses in dungeons, can you imagine that happening now in the game there would be such an uprising as its all about instant gratification !.
so if your interested in offering me a place in your guild then please feel free to message me or leave me a post on here so we can have a chat about your guild and you can ask me any questions about myself.

Many thanks for reading my post

still looking .

Hi Cadavier,

Call of the void is looking for a warlock with a similar kind of mind set to you in fact! We are a guild that focuses on Heroic progression (no mythic progression).

Our raid times are on Mondays and Tuesdays 20:00-23:00 server time.We are currently 9/9 Heroic - we downed Jaina a bit messily last night :smiley: and are looking to push on forward into the next raid and tier.

Please feel free to check out our recruitment post here:

I have also added you if you are interested in having a chat Ilanoar#2296

Hope to speak soon.

found a guild but thanks for looking.

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