Looking for a guild

Hi there i’m Happí, no pun intended i’m actually a miserable old git at heart.

I’ve recently re-rolled to play as an ele shammy, i’m currently looking for a guild, as i’m sure u could have guessed. i love raiding, but due to work my game time can be somewhat a little limited and honestly i’m not that well geared, but current content i’m 3/8hc experienced, not really that great i know, but i do love my Mythic+ just differcult to get groups even when i make my own. i play to relax with no drama, so looking for somewhere laid back but with people who enjoy as aspects of the game.

thankyou for reading, if u would like to contact me, please do on Areyoumate#2241

Hi there

retaliate are currently looking for some friendly and reliable players to bolster are numbers going into Mythic, we are currently 8/8h raiding two days a week fri/sun 8-11pm server time. the rest of the week we run lots of mythic plus from 8s to 15+, where always looking for nice friendly players to join us whether just for mythic plus, raids or having a laugh in chat

If interested you can wisper me in game
Mÿstie, shíka or just ask someone for one of are other officers
You can add me on battle net if ur interested Setana#21724

Hey buddy I have sent you a friend request and would love to have a chat if you are looking please let me know if you want to check out my guild its the The Many Few - Draenor)

We are always looking for people who want to go at there own pace and get involved in Raiding, Mythic+ etc feel free to add me bigbrownie#2993 if you wish to chat.

We are Horde btw ;p

Not sure if you’re still looking for a guild, but I think we’d be a really good fit for you so please give us a look :slight_smile:

Hope to hear from you and we can have a chat

Heyho, If you’re still looking (or again).
Seagulls is recruiting all for Mythic progression. (3/8M & final phase 4/8)
We recently transfered to this realm and are looking to fill in a few gaps.
We do three days, wedn/thursd/sund 20.00-23.00 but take on hc / M+ / casual players also.
This includes old M+ farts also, as our guys are starting to age aswell :slight_smile:
Contact me directly via blizzy#2601 or via seagulls.be website.

Hope to hear from you soon o/

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