Looking for a new home :)

Hey all :slight_smile:
For shadowlands me and a few friends are looking for a new realm to join, we want to take part in all aspects of the game, RP (we’re a DnD group and would like to have a go) :slight_smile: , Heroic maybe mythic raiding as our ‘main’ thing, We’re just looking for a healthy server with nice people to be around :slight_smile:

Edit: We will be going alliance :slight_smile:

People that raid and RP like you guys should deffo check out Eminence if you plan on staying horde, they do both :>

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Ah I should of mentioned we were planning on going Alliance :slight_smile: Forgot i was a belf haha

That’s a good important bit to add :stuck_out_tongue:
Can’t help much with the Alliance guilds who also RP alot, my lot have some RP’ers among us but we’re on a pretty heavy hiatus until next expac hits :>

I’m sure my fellow forum lurkers can point you in the right direction :smile:

Haha yeah, My bad! yeah we weren’t going to be moving or anything until pre patch when things pick up again anyway, we just want a nice friendly space to play and take part in all aspects of wow :slight_smile: our aims are ahead of the curve each tier, the nice +15 every dungeon mount and Torghast, we’re incredibly excited for SL haha

Understandable, SL looks a good deal better than BFA :smile:

I hope you guys find the right fit, shouldn’t be too hard as AD is a big server with many different guilds :>

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