Looking for Active RP Military/Adventuring/Company/Mercenary Guild

Hello there!
I’m looking for an Active RP Military/Adventuring/Company/Mercenary Guild, with DMed events and possibly dice rolls to handle things and spice them up.
Using TRP3 Extended custom quests and items would be a great addition, but not required.

Looking forward to any response :slight_smile:


Hey gamer!

I can think of a few examples that might suit what you’re after, at least on the Horde side! :smiley:

There’s the Red Venturers, the Blood Howl, I think the Frozen Paw Clan hit the mark; and there’s also my lot, the Dust Devils, if you don’t mind diving into the more high fantasy/sci-fi side of WOW lore!

I’m sure there’s plenty more, and I haven’t even touched on Alliance ,but those are the ones that come to mind for now =)

Check my forum post for military special forces! Otherwise bunch of awesome intelligence, military and guard guilds out there I can recommend you.

  • The sergeant dips her head in and looks at him*
    - Yer think yer got wha it takes lad?

If you are looking at night elf rp and those themes, plenty to consider also from this thread:

[A-RP] Night Elf Roleplay - Argent Dawn - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

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