Looking for an AOTC guild to raid with in 11.1

Hey Droodiee, I’ve added you on discord hope to chat soon :dracthyr_yay_animated:

If there is any possibilty you’re able to raid any other days than the ones you listed, check us out below, if not that is totally understandable, I think we would be a great fit for you being a mainly AotC focused guild and I think you would fit in well with us!

Check out our recruitment post if you feel like it Timeskip
Heres a TLDR:

  • 2 Raids per week Wednesday/Monday 20:00-23:00 Server time.
  • Currently recruiting a variety of classes / specs right now and always open to classes not listed.
  • 8/8HC looking at building our team to venture into mythic very soon in the future.

Feel free to message me on Discord or Bnet :slight_smile:

Disc: volto._.
Bnet: Volto#21126