Looking for casual raid (a/h)

Hi, after recent issues I’m recently free to join a new raid team.

I have a 370 ret (h, twisting nether) as well as lecelling candidates - 112 void elf lock that could be levelled/geared on Argent Dawn, and arcane/ele/affli/fury all horde on twisting nether.

Pretty much just looking for a curve guild. Closest I was prior to leaving my last team was 0.6% - I have no interest in mythic.

So, looking for a properly mediocre ret for your team? I’m yours for the low price of some bants and a chill atmosphere. I don’t use voice because of personal stuff but I do listen in on comms.

Hi there! If you haven’t found a new guild yet, please add my btag for a chat. :slight_smile:

Hi Ragedeficit

It sounds like Supercool Discotheque could be the sort of guild you are looking for. We are a guild of nerds (mostly) in their 30s or 40s, who have been playing WoW together for far, far too long. We’ve done the hardcore raiding thing, some of us at a high level, and now we’re all old, lazy, and most of us have kids. Therefore, we’re now a bit more casual!

We raid 1 night a week (Sundays, 20:00 Server Time) with a bunch of people who know their stuff.

What we can promise:

  • Friendly chat in our Discord server.
  • Enjoyable raiding experience and camaraderie with people who want to progressively improve.
  • Fatherly advice and wisdom (I guess?).
  • Puns. So many puns.

We are currently 8/8N and 7/8HC, but progressing quickly. Our raid night is focused yet enjoyable and we’ve got a thoroughly lovely, skilled, bunch of folks that we’d like to add to.

Note: We are also considering cross-realm applicants who are unable/unwilling to server transfer. Most of our communication is done through Discord, so we are not too fussed about you being in the same guild as long as you are active on Discord.

Hi Rage,

Sorry we are not Horde, but I’ll shoot.
We are a casual guild with alot good and fun people to play with. We also focus on progress on main raid days. We do Mythic+/raids/lvl and other fun stuff…
We encourage alts and new players

Here is our recruitment message:
Hope to see you soon.

Add me to battlenet: Tostie#2772